International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


The Secretariat of the International Treaty briefed twenty genebank managers of institutions that are signatories of agreements with the Governing Body under Article 15 of the International Treaty on relevant policy and legal matters on the occasion of a coordination...
Córdoba (Spain) - Neglected crops that are currently underutilized by farmers can play an important role addressing the food and agriculture challenges of the future and should be reevaluated, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today at the start...
The Kingdom of Swaziland has now submitted its instrument of ratification to the FAO and will raise to 128 the number of Contracting Parties to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture on 21 January 2013. Swaziland...
The event was opened by Ms Kakoli Ghosh, Officer of Plant Production and Protection Division of FAO (AGP). The first presentation was made by Dr Shakeel Bhatti, Secretary of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for...
More than 70 experts and scientists have gathered this week in Guatemala City to discuss on climate change and its impact on ten important food crops in the Mesoamerican region and on eventual coordination strategies for the development and conservation...

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