Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture

Liste des dossiers de presse

Press Dossier
En el camino hacia las cumbres gemelas de finales del año— la cumbre de la crisis alimentaria en Roma en noviembre y las cumbre de la crisis climática que se celebrará en Copenhague en Diciembre— la reunión del Tratado de...
L'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) a annoncé mardi sa décision d'accorder à onze pays en développement un fonds de 500.000 dollars destiné à préserver la diversité de leurs cultures. La FAO a pris cette décision lors de...
TUNISIA. Delegates from some 120 countries today opened a United Nations-supported meeting in Tunis to discuss plant genetics and food resources, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said.  Participants at the five-day meeting, the third session of the governing body of...
Millet projects in Kenya and Senegal and a project on wheat in Tanzania are among eight others in developing countries that will receive more than $500 000 to support their effort in conserving food seeds and other genetic material from...
TUNIS, Tunisia, June 2, 2009/African Press Organization (APO) Eleven developing countries that conserve food seeds and other genetic material from major crops will receive more than $500 000 to support their efforts according to an announcement made today in Tunis at...
