List of Press Dossiers
Am 9.11.2019 wurde in Rom, 2 Tage vor Beginn des GB 8, das 15-jährige Inkrafttreten des Vertrages gefeiert. Er ist der wichtigste internationale Vertrag, dessen Hauptzweck darin besteht, die Grundlage der weltweiten Nutpflanzenkulturen zu erhalten. Besonders hervorgehoben wurde der multilaterale...
ANKARA, Turkey (CIMMYT) – Farmers across Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey are benefiting from a recently launched project that aims to diversify wheat production and strengthen the crop’s resilience to climate change across the three countries.
The Wheat Landraces project was launched...
Nyvalgt generalsekretær for den internasjonale traktaten for såfrømangfold, Kent Nnadozie, takket statssekretær Hanne Maren Blåfjelldal for Norges innsats for å sikre verdens såfrømangfold.
Den internasjonale traktaten for såfrømangfold gjør det enkelt å utveksle såfrø mellom land. Flere hundre transaksjoner finner sted...
(The NewTimes - Rwanda)
Rwanda will host a major international conference on plant genetic resources from October 30 to November 3, 2017.
Participants will mainly be drawn from countries that are signatories to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food...
Rwanda will host the 7th Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty...