Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture

Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group to Enhance the Functioning of the Multilateral System (OWG-EFMLS)


Established by the Governing Body in 2013, with its mandate extended in 2015 and 2017. Re-established in 2022, with further decisions in 2023

Main purpose

The Governing Body decided to re-establish the Working Group to finalize the enhancement of the functioning of the Multilateral System by the Eleventh Session of the Governing Body. The process should build upon previous progress and achievements both in terms of structure and content and integrate new ideas, if relevant, and address, in a balanced manner, all three blocks of the package of measures developed previously (revised SMTA; expansion of Annex I; implementation measures through a Resolution of the Governing Body).
The Governing Body noted that while a range of views exist among Contracting Parties on the matter, Contracting Parties commit to working together towards adopting a package of measures to enhance the functioning of the Multilateral System through the process established in the present Resolution, with the following shared aims:
– Increase the benefits that arise from the Multilateral System for all Contracting Parties and users, both monetary and non-monetary;
– Increase user-based income to the Benefit-sharing Fund in a sustainable and predictable long-term manner;
– Expand the crops and plant genetic diversity available through the Multilateral System;
– Improve the availability of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in the Multilateral System;
– Make the Multilateral System more dynamic given that there are developments and emerging issues in science, innovation, plant breeding and global policy environment; – Create legal certainty, administrative simplicity and transparency for everyone participating in the Multilateral System.


(Resolution 3/2022)

Chair and Vice-chair:

Mr. Sunil Archak (India), Mr. Michael Ryan (Australia);

Membership and composition

The Governing Body decided that the Working Group be open-ended, so that any Contracting Party may attend, provided that speaking rights are limited to a certain number of members.
In order to facilitate deliberations within the Working Group, each Region is requested to identify spokespersons, as follows: Up to 5 from the Africa Region; up to 5 from the Europe Region; up to 5 from the Asia Region; up to 5 from the Latin America and the Caribbean Region; up to 3 from the Near East Region; up to 2 from the North America Region; and up to 2 from the South West Pacific Region.
In order to facilitate active participation of observers in the deliberations of the Working Group, the Secretary is requested to invite the following groups to identify two spokespersons each: Civil society organizations; the seed industry; farmers’ organizations; and research centres and academia, including the CGIAR Centres. Due attention should be given to gender and geographic balance when identifying spokespersons.

Resolution 3/2022



Arabic, English, French, Spanish

Document Symbol


Funding Source




First meeting

May 2014

Pattern of Session

December 2014; June 2015; October 2015; July 2016; March 2017; September 2017; October 2018; June 2019 (resumed October 2019), July 2023.

Subsidiary bodies or groups


Further information

The Enhancement Process | International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (

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