Международный договор о генетических ресурсах растений для производства продовольствия и ведения сельского хозяйства

Hotels - Seventh Session of the Governing Body - Kigali

Important notice:  Supported delegates from developing countries and other delegates will have to make their own booking for the period of their attendance. To facilitate the hotel reservations in connection with the Seventh Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty, the Rwanda Convention Bureau has kindly provided a list of hotels of different categories for the participants to choose from  for which special rates have been negotiated.

Additionally, the Host Government will facilitate transportation from some of the hotels to the Kigali Convention Centre, for the convenience of the delegates. The hotels for which transportation is available are listed on this page. The list below does not express any preference for the bookings from FAO or the Host Government.   

Hotels for which transportation to the conference centre will be provided:

Hotel Name



Upper Range

Kigali Serena Hotel


[email protected]

Kigali Marriot Hotel


[email protected]

Radisson Blu *


[email protected] 

Lemigo hotel


[email protected]

Gorillas Golf Nyarutarama


[email protected]   

Grand Legacy


[email protected]

Medium Range

Chez Lando Hotel


[email protected]

Beausejour Hotel


[email protected]

* Special rate for GB7 for participants, including breakfast: Radisson Blu online booking  code: "ITPGR"

Online booking platform (Go Travel Cart)



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