Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

Conference on food loss and waste reduction

Hybrid Event, 11/11/2019 - 12/11/2019

In the Encyclical “Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home,” Pope Francis calls for changes to “the trajectory and functioning of the world economy”, as the current economic model is leading to “the destruction of the environment due to apathy, the reckless pursuit of profit, excessive faith in technology and political shortsightedness.” He explains that the pursuit of this economic model has resulted in a “throwaway culture” in which unwanted items and unwanted people—such as the elderly, the poor, and the disabled—are discarded as waste and where we continue to “hurt and mistreat our home.”

Key objectives

The key objectives of the conference are to: (1) share the latest scientific evidence on how to reduce food loss and waste (FLW) and thereby contribute to  global  food security; and (2) provide recommendations for expanded global and national action by citizens, corporations, governments, and international organizations, and (3) broaden the alliance of actors for more significant impact. 

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