Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

Food Loss and Waste Reduction through a value chain development approach to transform food systems - COVID-19 Response and Recovery

Project's full title Food Loss and Waste Reduction through a value chain development approach to transform food systems - COVID-19 Response and Recovery
Countries Jamaica
Start date 01/07/2021
End date 30/11/2023
Status Completed
Recipient / Target Areas Jamaica
Project Code TCP/JAM/3804 (21/II/JAM/229)
Objective / Goal Actors in food value chains use digital data, have implemented improved production and post-harvest management practices, mobile storage and processing of soft fruits and leafy vegetables, alternative marketing arrangements and increased investments.


  1. Technical assistance provided to MOAF to conduct food loss analysis, improve data collection on food loss and waste in soft fruits and leafy green vegetable value chains, and monitor progress toward achieving SDG target 12.3 in Jamaica.
  2. Strengthening the technical capacity of MOAF to (a) train producers and anchor firms to improve production and post-harvest handling practices, and to (b) leverage public and private investment.
  3. Technical assistance provided to MOAF to design mobile storage and HACCP compliant processing solutions  for fresh and primary processed produce arising from the project
  4. Technical assistance provided to MOAF to design marketing arrangements and develop e-commerce and digital payment to connect producers to markets and improve market efficiency
  5. Technical assistance provided to MOAF to develop a road map to support the replication and upscale.

Strengthening of value chain operations that speaks to a strategy for reducing food losses along value chains. Supports farmers to reduce post-harvest losses and extend produce shelf-life to ensure enhanced farm household cash inflows. 

Rural farmers and key stakeholders have decent work and economic growth and are productive and resilient to disruptions in the national Agro-Food System such as COVID-19 and future pandemics