Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

LEG - Law No 166/2016, also called the Gadda Law

©Fondazione Banco Alimentare ONLUS

Countries Italy
Start date 19/08/2016
Status Ongoing
Recipient / Target Areas Italy
Objective / Goal

Main objective is to halve FLW throughout the food distribution chain by 2030.

The law established that any agricultural or retail food product surplus should be donated to national redistribution associations. This law frames donations and waste management nationwide with a series of fiscal incentives to donors. This law is very detailed and counts over 18 articles combing not only food waste but also the disposal of pharmaceutical products and definition of specific terms such as “food waste” and “leftovers”. 

Partners Ministry of Agriculture, all actors in the food value chain
More on this topic Masaf - Sprechi alimentari - Legge N.166/2016 (