Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

LEG - Turkiye policy mix EU Fusion country profile

Turkiye policy mix EU Fusion country profile

©FAO/Ami Vitale

Countries Türkiye
Start date 30/09/2014
End date 30/12/2016
Status Completed
Project Code none
Objective / Goal Several laws and regulations mainly indirectly related  to the reduction of food waste are currently ongoing in Turkey. They mainly refer to rules on good practices related to agriculture and manufacturing to prevent loss through the primary production of animal and plant based foods. Turkey has not implemented a specific strategy for food waste reduction, prevention and management.

Turkey presents laws concerning food donations, namely: the Income Tax Law (Serial no. 251) that grants donors from retailers or the food industry the right to deduct their food donations to food banks from their taxable income as well as the Value Added Tax Law (Law no. 3065). This later tax states that food donated to foundations and associations, which operate for food banking purposes by taxable persons to tax-exempt foundations and public benefit associations, are exempt from VAT.

As for primary production, the Regulation on Good Agricultural Practices (Official Gazette Issue no 27778) regulates the good agricultural production and manufacturing practices, sustainability, traceability and safety of food products.

The Bread Waste Prevention is a campaign which originated by the voluntary cooperation of all state foundations and establishments, local administrators, food banks association, universities, non-governmental organizations and private sector in order to be able to reach all of the society.

Although Turkey has a short history in addressing food waste, efforts have been directed to reduce it, especially at the primary production and consumers’ level.

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