Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

FAO North America webinar: Reducing Food Loss and Waste during COVID-19 and Beyond


On July 2nd a FAO Insights Webinar on Reducing Food Loss and Waste during COVID-19 and Beyond was held.

The succesful session, participated by several hundreds of people, can be accessed at this link


In addition you may want to consult:

  • The two FAO presentations

a) Mitigating risks to food systems during COVID-19: Reducing food loss and waste (by Rosa Rolle)

b) FAO's Big Data tool on food chains under the COVID-19 pandemic (by Carola Fabi)

  • The speakers' bios here

Further information:


Learn more about:

Bipartisan Food Waste Caucus         

Food Waste Reduction Alliance

Feeding America’s Coronavirus Response         

Second Harvest Canada’s Coronavirus response 


FAO North America upcoming webinars: