Food Loss Analysis Methodology training workshop for East and Southern African Region
A training workshop was organized by the Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Engineering in the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Zimbabwe (UZ), funded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and carried out at Cresta Lodge, Harare from the 1 to 5 October 2018.
The broad objective of the training programme was to train participants (academia, practitioners, researchers, policy-makers, extension staff, NGOs and technicians) to analyse food losses using the FAO methodology.
The specific objectives of the training were:
- To improve participants’ understanding of the causes of food losses, their magnitude and socio-economic impact
- Develop a shared understanding of the four main steps of the food loss assessment methodology
- To equip participants with skills to use the Food Loss Analysis Methodology to determine losses in targeted food supply chains
- To briefly share selected Case Study results and experiences of food loss assessments conducted in East & Southern Africa
- To improve participant understanding of mainstreaming social and environmental issues in food loss assessments
The participants were trained over a 5-day period following a set training programme (see Annex I). Facilitation was highly interactive through use of power point presentations, group work and presentations, and plenary discussions. To enhance participation and learning, the training programme included a field trip to the biggest public market in Harare, Mbare Musika where the participants observed market proceedings and interviewed stakeholders for some of the targeted FSCs. The findings were reported by respective group members in plenary.
A total of 24 participants from East and Southern Africa region (including Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) of which 6 were female attended the workshop.
Food loss case studies from Uganda, Malawi, Rwanda and Zimbabwe were presented as practical experiences in applying the Methodology to specific food supply chains.
A field trip to Mbare Market, the largest municipal/public agricultural market in the country, was organized for the group of participants to appreciate reality. At Mbare, the group was hosted by eMkambo whose offices are within the Mbare Municipal Offices. Mbare Municipality work closely with eMkambo. In specific commodity groups, participants toured the market and administered the checklists previously developed. Participants also observed processes and practices at Mbare Market.
For more details please have a look at the Training Report.