Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

G20 meeting: Food waste and loss - a major global problem

G20 meeting: Food waste and loss - a major global problem

©FAO/Pier Paolo Cito


At the G20 agriculture ministers meeting held in Istanbul, the extent of food loss and waste was highlighted as "a global problem of enormous economic, environmental and societal significance" they encourage all G20 members "to strengthen their efforts to address it. We believe the reduction of food loss and waste is a good objective for G20 collective action and that the G20 can provide global leadership in this regard. We recall the CFS’s Policy Recommendations on Food Loss and Waste. In the context of policy coherence, we encourage the Development Working Group to continue its efforts to develop actions to reduce food loss and waste as part of its Implementation Plan for the G20 FSN Framework" (more at: Final communiqué). 

FAO DG, Mr Graziano da Silva, addressing the ministers at the G20 meeting in Istanbul, also praised specific initiatives announced by the G20 to reduce food loss and waste, including a new platform aimed at strengthening information sharing to help curb food loss and waste in both the G20 members and low-income countries (full speech) is reported in the recently published article "FAO hails G20 focus on building sustainable food systems and reducing food loss and waste".