Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

Measuring Food Losses and Food Waste a parallel session at ICAS VII


International Conference on Agricultural Statistics - Modernization of Agriculture Statistics in Support  of the Sustainable Development Agenda / Rome, Italy (26-28 October 2016)

ICAS VII is organized by the Italian National Institute of Statistics, in close collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO).

The Conference focuses on bringing together research and best practices in the field of agriculture statistics, in response to the changing needs and opportunities for agricultural statistics.

ICAS VII convenes senior agricultural statisticians from all over the world. Most of them represent national statistical offices and ministries of agriculture, but the Conference is open to all producers, suppliers, trainers and users of agricultural statistics, such as economists, statisticians, agronomists, researchers, analysts and decision-makers from government entities, academia, development partners and international organizations.

A set of parallel sessions on "Sustainable Agricultural Production and Consumption" is organized. In this framework FAO is coordinating a dedicated one on "Measuring Food Losses and Food Waste". 

Interested authors can submit relevant papers by 30 September 2015. More information can be accessed here