Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

New CoP Forum discussion on PHL reduction policy development


In countries where post-harvest losses have been proven to be high and, in some cases, assessed and measured the development of conducive policies and regulations for their reduction should be supported. It is a fact that multi-stakeholder initiatives play a key role in developing knowledge and capacities. As CoP members, we would like to receive your insights on: who the main drivers of such processes are; how do such processes work; and, based on what evidence they can be built. 

This new online discussion in the CoP on food loss reduction Forum co-moderated with FANRPAN aims to share and exchange about: 

1)Existing policy and regulatory frameworks aimed to reduce food loss along food supply chains are shared (policies, standards, norms) at country and regional level, and

2)Processes to establish and improve such frameworks (e.g. policy dialogues, policy development strategies) to be used as guidance for replication, including references to involved actors at country and regional level. 

This new online discussion will last three months (April-June), contributions on the above two topics can be posted (please feel free to also include links to relevant documentation) by the CoP members at any time, and you are kindly requested to share information about this discussion and invitations to participate between your networks. We count on you for a lively and interesting debate on the forum! Thank you!

Photo ©FAO/ Ivo Balderi