Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

Postharvest Management (PHM) side event at GFRAS 7th annual meeting


A side event on Postharvest Management (PHM) organized by AFAAS and its PHM partners was held during the GFRAS 7th annual meeting in Limbe, Cameroon on 3 October 2016. The GFRAS 7th annual meeting was an important opportunity to engage in the global effort to reduce food losses a large number of professionals in the area of rural advisory services from all over the world, and regional and national networks active in PHM. 

Participants, from 18 countries of the world, shared their expertise and experience greatly contributing to the global knowledge and action for PHM (Agenda available here). 

 GFRAS Regional networks


For more information GFRAS 2016 - 7th Annual meeting documentation: Concept NoteAgendaParticipants list.

The global CoP on food loss reduction was presented by the project manager of the UN RBA joint project on food loss reduction  funded  by the Swiss Development and Cooperation agency. She engaged participants in contributing and using the CoP to share relevant information, expertise, experiences on PHM and food loss reduction (FLR), and to use it as a coordination tool to ensure synergies and to optimize the use of resources.

The presentations of this side event can be accessed hereunder:

  1. Overview PHL in Malawi
  2. Drying agricultural products with the Djilemo Oven, Cameroon
  3. Business models for promotion of post-harvest management
  4. Grain Postharvest Loss Prevention (GPLP) Project Business Model
  5. Promotion of Post-Harvest Management through organization of agricultural shows and seed fairs
  6. Rural Advisory Services (RAS) tools and approaches for promoting PHM among smallholder, Benin
  7. The UN RBA joint project and CoP on food loss reduction

AFAAS and partners active in PHM are in the process of forming a regional working group in Postharvest Management. The working group will have space on the AFAAS virtual platform for their continuous online interaction and experience sharing among the members. The AFAAS virtual platform is connected with the global CoP on food loss reduction.

Rakesh.Munankami, presenting the GPLP Project Business Model


Jerry Egessa (right), AFAAS  

Photos © Mireille Totobesola