Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

Reducing food loss and waste in fruits and vegetables for improving access to healthy diets


Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021- Side Event (20 January 2022 / 10:00 hours CET)

Fruits and vegetables are important constituents of healthy diets. High levels of losses and waste in fruits and vegetables, however, represent a considerable waste of the beneficial nutrients they could potentially offer toward enriching dietary quality.

This side event will highlight the critical importance of reducing food loss and waste in fruit and vegetable supply systems,
toward enhancing their quality, safety and availability for consumption in healthy diets.

A panel of stakeholders from across the fruit and vegetable supply system discussed and highlighted opportunities and approaches to reduce food losses and waste and to maximize the use of fruits and vegetables produced for consumption. Policy measure to address supply and demand side issues in fruit and vegetable supply systems were also discussed.

The Side event Q&A session is available in the Community of Practice Forum for follow up and continued discussion. Anyone is welcome to join the CoP and participate in its Forum discussions.


HERE to access the recorded event (password: RFL2022+)





10:00   Video Presentation

10:05   Nancy Aburto, Deputy Director, Food and Nutrition Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the                           United Nations

            Introduction and welcome remarks

10:10   Máximo Torero Cullen, Chief Economist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United                                                   Nations

            Why reducing food loss and waste matters for access to healthy diets
10:25   Moderator: Kimberly Sullivan, Communication Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United                       Nations
10:30   Elda Esguerra, University of the Philippines Los Baños

            Causes of food loss and waste in fruits and vegetables, and sustainable actions to reduce them. Experiences from                   Asia

10:40   Eugenia Carrara, Secretary General, World Union of Wholesale Markets

           The contribution of wholesale markets to reducing food loss and waste and improving access to healthy diets

10:50   Angela Frigo, Secretary General, European Food Banks Federation

           Food banks and their contribution to increasing fruit and vegetable intake by the food insecure

10:55   Lalita Bhattacharjee, Senior Nutrition Advisor, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

           Country perspective from Bangladesh

11:10   Q&A
11:25   Rosa Rolle, Senior Enterprise Development Officer, Food and Nutrition Division, Food and Agriculture                            Organization of the United Nations 

           Key takeaways and closing remarks