Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

Support to African Union in the development of policies and strategies for country specific plans to reduce post-harvest losses


In an effort to assist and achieve the Malabo PHL and SDG 12:3 food loss reduction goals, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) and the African Union Commission (AUC) have been collaborating on the project: Support to the African Union in the development of policies and strategies for country-specific plans to reduce post-harvest food losses. The project iaims at collaborating with the African Union member countries to achieve their goals at two levels; at the African Union level and at Country level. Each level has its own key result. The AUC level key result is a stronger coordination of food loss reduction initiatives and improved alignment to Malabo Roadmap. The country level key result is: Improved capacity of AU member countries in the design and implementation of food loss reduction policies, strategies and programmes. To achieve the key results, the project has been implementing a suit of interventions at the AUC level and at country level specifically in Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Tanzania.

A workshop is organized in Nairobi, Kenya from 24 to 25 July 2018 and aims at the following objectives :

  • to validate project results and findings on policies and strategies for country-specific plans to reduce post-harvest food losses.
  • to disseminate information on lessons learnt, good practices and knowledge material to other AU member states and partners on the reduction of food losses
  • to seek inputs for inclusion into the proposal for Phase 2 and sustainability plans
  • to agree on the next steps.

The participants will be drawn from project countries of Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Zambia, Rockefeller Foundation, FAO, IFAD, WFP, Africa Union, donors, CAADP Focal persons, development partners and Post-Harvest experts, including the joint RBA project manager.

Further information and details are available in the Workshop Programme and Concept Note, Report and VIDEO.

Further information in Improving Food Security in Africa through enhanced partnerships and Post-Harvest Management article by reliefweb; and AU Press release

In the photo Dr Janet Edeme – Head of Division, Rural Economy & Agriculture department (DREA) at AUC delivering a presentation during the workshop (©FAO/Mireille Totobesola)