School food global hub




The webinar focused on how school-based food and nutrition education can increase the impact of school food nutrition guidelines and standards on children and adolescents’ diets, supporting them in developing life-long healthy food practices and habits.


This technical webinar addressed the following aspects:

  • The importance of combining nutrition objectives with other development objectives in school meal programmes.
  • The key role of procurement for ensuring availability of nutritious foods at school.
  • The instruments ...


FAO, WFP, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany and the School Meals Coalition unveiled the "School food global hub", showcasing the features and uses of the hub with a focus on the areas in which users can provide their inputs and be involved in first person.


This FAO-WFP technical webinar focuses on the importance of policy and legal frameworks for the implementation of nutritional standards for school food, which can constitute a useful tool for realizing the right to adequate food for schoolchildren and adolescents.


FAO, WFP and WHO hosted a side event in the framework of the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit to present a holistic approach aimed at ensuring that school food for children and adolescents is nutritious, desirable, context-appropriate and more sustainably produced.


During this lab, organized by FAO and UNICEF, presentations by experts were alternated by group work, so participants had the opportunity to share their experiences and thoughts, and work together to define ways to transform food education in their contexts.