inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Knowledge Products

Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
This report makes an inventory of indigenous and community adaptation practices across the world. The report identified fifteen major types of ancient and traditional RWH categories that were alike in practice and function despite the different climatic regions, in which they were found, or the cultures that practiced them.
Water Efficiency, Productivity and Sustainability in the NENA Regions (WEPS-NENA)
Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
In partnership with the local agricultural extension authorities in Qazvin Province, FAO provides its assistance to equip Iranian farmers in the Qazvin Irrigation Network with the requisite technical knowledge and skills to improve agriculture water productivity.
Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
Hunger in the Arab region continues to rise, with a 91.1 percent increase since 2000, says a new report launched by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
During individual TWSL webinars in 2020 and 2021, about 50-60 participants attended. The topics focused on water resources and climate change as well as land management in Central Asia. The TWSL was conceptualized in a way that it serves as an online platform to discuss questions related to water and land management in Central Asia.
Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
This study presents a framework that applies WaPOR data to assess irrigation performance indicators including uniformity, equity, adequacy and land and water productivity differentiated by irrigation method (furrow, sprinkler and centre pivot) at the Xinavane sugarcane estate, Mozambique.
Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
Greenhouse gas emissions from agri-food sectors represent around 34 percent of the total. But agriculture is also one of the areas most affected by climate change. So it is in a unique position to offer solutions.
Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
As part of the United Nations Jamaica Human Security Trust Fund, the project uses the Farmer Field School approach to alleviate the farmers’ water woes. Methods shared include rainwater harvesting, gravity drip irrigation and fertigation (the process of inputting nutrients into the soil simultaneously with irrigation).
Water Governance
Resilience will only materialize when water balances account for all actual uses. This can only be achieved through coordinated action by actors at different scales and sectors. 
Water Governance
The “Integrated Water Resource Management in Gediz River Basin” project, undertaken in conjunction with the General Directorate of Water Management, aims at strengthening water pollution monitoring systems, expanding rain harvesting, protecting biodiversity and undertaking land rehabilitation in degraded areas with green wall applications in the river coastal region.
Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
Water scarcity has a negative impact on agricultural and food production in the Syrian Arab Republic. In addition to the burdens accumulated during years of crisis, farmers face challenging production circumstances because of drought and lack of water resources. This water scarcity has led to conflict between neighbours over the fair allocation of water for irrigation.