inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Partners Contributions

Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
The programme supports the Vietnamese partners in establishing the institutional framework for regional coordination and investment planning for climate-resilient and gender-sensitive management of water resources in urban and rural areas.
Water Governance
The project introduces technologies to reduce greenhouse gas in water and wastewater companies, thus improving their CO2 balance. Furthermore, it supports climate protection efforts in the water sector by integrating the water and energy sectors with regard to emission reduction and climate resilience.
Water Governance
Water and Energy for Food Grand Challenge (WE4F) MENA launches a unique new support program for Iraqi innovators promoting local, sustainable, and scalable solutions for challenges in the water, energy, and agriculture sectors.
Water Governance
Water governance capacity development is a strategic intervention to assist countries to address water security risks with a bearing on social inclusion, economic development and eradication of poverty. The GO-WATER program started in January 2021 and is currently operating in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Uganda, Sudan and Iraq.
Water Governance
SIWI’s Women in Water Diplomacy Network in the Nile shares experiences and lessons learned on improving women’s participation in high level water diplomacy processes.
Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
On May 29, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a grant agreement with the Royal Government of Cambodia in Phnom Penh, to provide grant aid of up to 3.421 billion yen for the Project for Expansion of Water Supply System in Ta Khmau.
Non-Conventional Water Resources
Since 2018, IWMI has supported the Lebanese government to develop its water reuse policies through the ReWater MENA initiative. In partnership with the Lebanese Standards Institution (LIBNOR), the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), and several other public administrations, IWMI’s ReWater MENA has helped pave the way for the establishment of national water reuse standards.
Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
Improved management of irrigation and water resources in the Zarafshon river basin of northern Tajikistan will help farmers increase their crop yields and provide greater food security for the local population, thanks to the Zarafshon Irrigation Rehabilitation and Management Improvement Project, launched by the Government of Tajikistan and the World Bank.
Non-Conventional Water Resources
Water reuse in agriculture is a relevant solution to be further promoted to address growing water scarcity in arid and semiarid regions and respond to the increasing food demand of the rapidly and ever-growing population.