inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Rainwater Harvesting to Bridge Water Deficit to Crops and Livestock Drinking in Darfur, Sudan |AOAD, FAO, WFP.

Plants are scarce so all are valuable

©FAO/ Practical Action


Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and WFP have collaborated to support post-conflict resilient and sustainable recovery to the disaster affected communities in Darfur, Sudan. The assistance was implementing a “Livelihood Project” to develop agricultural water supply and solar energy for food and water security to improve and sustain livelihoods during seasons 2019-2021.

The intervention was a pilot demonstration to build the resilience capacity of women households and agro-pastoralists to enhance productivity for the main crops and livestock. It is based on proven technologies on land treatment with water harvesting (in-situ and ex-situ) and crop and animal husbandry management to 150 women farmers relying on traditional rain-fed farming systems. Indeed, this system suffers from rainfall variability and frequent crop failure and animal stress from dry spells. 

The Agricultural Bank of Sudan and AOAD have decided to strengthen the existing women groups and dissemination of the technologies to new groups through availing credit line to access production improvement technologies and inputs.

For more information click here.

Location: Sudan
Theme:Water Productivity Tools and Analytics