inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Water Innovations That Work | ICARDA

World Water Day 2021



ICARDA's innovative ‘Innovative Small-holder Agriculture Resilience’ (iNASHR) project, funded by GIZ and developed alongside Egypt's ARC and Ministry of Agriculture, is helping to address Egypt’s water scarcity and soil quality simultaneously, and through a systemic approach, to improve food security for smallholder family farmers.

iNASHR aims to promote sustainable intensification of wheat-based systems across six Egyptian Governorates by facilitating adoption and multiplication of ICARDA-improved seed varieties, modernizing traditional raised-bed farming methods, and reintroducing a cereal/legume crop rotation on-field, through mechanization.

For more information click here.

Type:News articles
Location: Egypt
Theme:Water Productivity Tools and Analytics