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Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources - ITWG FGR

The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA), established a subsidiary Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources (ITWG-FGR) at its Twelfth Regular Session in 2009. The purpose of the Working Group is to review the situation and issues related to forest genetic resources, to advise and make recommendations to the Commission, and to consider the progress made in implementing the Commission's programme of work, as well as any other matters referred to it by the Commission.

The terms of reference and regional composition of the Working Group are described in its Statutes adopted by the Commission. The 28 Members Countries (five from Africa, five from Asia, five from Europe, five from Latin America, four from the Near East, two from North America and two from the Southwest Pacific) which are elected every two years during regular sessions of the Commission. Other Member Countries of the Commission may attend the meetings of the Working Group as observers. Relevant international organizations are also invited to nominate their representatives to the meetings.

The Working Group normally holds one session every biennium. The Secretariat of the Working Group lies with the Forestry Department in FAO Headquarters.

Sustainable Forest Management