Policy Support and Governance Gateway

Social Protection

Social protection is a human right. It is a commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and an effective policy instrument to address multiple crises such as the climate crisis and conflicts and their links with poverty, hunger, and inequality.

Enhancing social protection systems to reduce poverty and eradicate hunger

While progress has been made in expanding access to social protection, there are still gaps in coverage. This is particularly worrying in rural areas where there is a concentration of poor and vulnerable people with limited access to financial and social services, and informal employment is widespread.

Poor and vulnerable rural households face colossal challenges in beneficially participating in economic opportunities, such as those in agrifood systems. Without adequate access to social protection, rural populations risk being left behind, blocking progress on reducing poverty and inequality.

Key messages

By framing social protection as an investment, FAO advocates for increasing finance to expand the coverage of social protection in rural areas. This includes climate finance.

FAO works to scale up social protection schemes, facilitating integration between social protection, food security and nutrition, disaster risk management, and agricultural policies. The aim is to boost rural households' economic and productive potential and maximize social protection's impact on rural transformation.

FAO develops the capacities of civil society and producer organizations to participate in policy dialogue on social protection and to claim their rights.

FAO generates evidence to influence thinking on the importance of social protection in enabling rural households to take part in economic development and bridge the humanitarian-development divide.

This includes comprehension of the processes of rural and food systems transformations as well as the interaction between these and national social protection. It brings together expertise on social protection, gender, fisheries, forestry, pastoralism, climate action, nutrition, rights-based approaches, and emergency responses in supporting the national social protection systems.

This helps to overcome deeply rooted inequalities that are still hindering sustainable development, poverty reduction and getting the 2030 Agenda back on track.

Featured resources
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Intersectionality: A pathway for more inclusive, youth-oriented and gender-responsive agrifood systems

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Social protection as a pathway to sustaining peace

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Farmer income and decoupled direct payments in North Macedonia. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 64

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Elimination of child labour in agriculture through social protection. Guidance note

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Administrative barriers, capacity constraints and solutions for the inclusion of agricultural workers in social insurance schemes in the Middle East and North Africa

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Decoupling direct payments in North Macedonia. Impacts on farmer income. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper No. 23-03

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The relations between climate change and child labour in agriculture Evidence on children’s work trends after climate-related events in Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Nepal and Peru

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Strengthening coherence between social protection and fisheries policies. Framework for analysis and action

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Key COVID-19 Lessons and Recommendations for Working Towards Universal Social Protection

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FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme - Economic inclusion and social protection to reduce poverty. Pro-poor COVID-19 responses for an inclusive post-pandemic economic recovery

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Extending social protection to rural populations. Perspectives for a common FAO and ILO approach

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Social protection and migration: Synergies in action to improve resilience and reduce poverty in rural areas

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Social protection and climate change

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Economic inclusion and social protection to reduce poverty. Protecting migrant workers

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The state of social insurance for agricultural workers in the Near East and North Africa and challenges for expansion

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FAO Policy Series: Social Protection

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