بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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Gender and Land Rights Database

Land is a crucial resource for poverty reduction, food security and rural development. However, men and women do not always enjoy the same rights to land. Explore the Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD). Learn more about the different factors that relate to gender inequalities embedded in land rights by exploring the country profiles, gender and land-related statistics and the recently-developed legal assessment tool (LAT).



Transversal Support to the European Union Land Governance Programme

This brochure is produced on the occasion of the 5th Capitalization Meeting held in Addis Ababa from 30 May - 01 June 2017. The Project involves supporting 14 countries in Africa to implement EU Funded projects implementing the VGGT. Transversal Support provides a platform for project implementers and partners to increase project compliance with international standards and to benefit from technical guidance, capacity development and possibilities for exchange among practitioners.  

Issue paper


Agricultural Policies, Trade and Sustainable Development in Egypt. An Evidence-Based Assessment

This study analyses Egypt’s agricultural sector and its performance over time, identifies constraints to increasing production and exports, and examines the key role of trade in inclusive agriculture development.  After a review of current trends in the agricultural sector and trade policies, the study elaborates on the main pillars of Egypt’s current agricultural development strategy and the factors inhibiting growth of agricultural production and trade. The study concludes by identifying recommended policy changes for improving trade performance such that it could serve to improve food security, incomes, and sustainability in agriculture, with a specific look at the fresh fruit and vegetables markets, in particular analysing Egypt’s orange and grapes [...]



Responsible Governance of Tenure: A Technical Guide for Investors. Governance of Tenure. Technical Guide 7

Investments in agriculture have proven to be one of the most effective means of reducing poverty in rural areas of developing countries. Acting in accordance with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security can help investors better understand and manage the substantial financial, legal, operational and reputational risks inherent in investing in landbased assets. Those who plan and operate their investments in a way that is consistent with the Guidelines can reduce their investment risk and increase the likelihood of realizing a reasonable risk-adjusted return. Such investments are more likely to be successful [...]

Issue paper


Review of the Livestock/Meat and the Milk Value Chains and Policies Influencing Them in Liberia

The study provides an overview of Liberia’s livestock/meat and dairy value chains. It addresses the current status of the value chains, makes an inventory of the strengths and constraints of the value chains, as well as policies that could affect them. It also identifies gaps and prescribes solutions. A programme is proposed for investment in the value chains.

Issue paper


Drought Characteristics and Management in Central Asia and Turkey. FAO Water Report 44

The report assesses the occurrence and impacts of drought, the current policies underlying drought management as well as the mitigation measures and responses adopted in Central Asia and Turkey, with a focus on Agriculture Sector. It is part of a series of similar studies carried out in different regions and countries of the world, with the objective of shedding light on drought effects, sensitizing policy-makers for the much needed paradigm shift to pro-active drought management planning and providing guidance for the development of such policies. The studies are carried out by FAO, in collaboration with the Water for Food Institute, [...]



Forest and Farm Facility Initiative for Climate-Resilient Landscapes and Improved Livelihoods 2018-2022

Since 2013, the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) has been empowering forest and farm producers and their organizations, the “missing links” that are needed to put the SDGs and NDCs into practice. Evidence from the last four years and strong demand for FFF support from FFPOs and governments in more than 50 countries worldwide has shaped our proposed Phase II. The goal of Phase II of the FFF is to support forest and farm producers and their organizations to enable ‘Climate Resilient Landscapes and Improved Livelihoods.’ This brochure gives the highlights of the FFF Phase II proposal.



Strengthening Sector Policies for Better Food Security and Nutrition Results: Political Economy Analysis. Policy Guidance Note 8

A solid understanding of domestic political economy helps to promote policies that are better adapted to country realities. The challenges that many governments faced in responding to food price volatility during the 2008 global food crisis re-focused attention on the political economy and implementing effective national policy responses on food security and nutrition. Understanding the political economy behind public policy-making and implementation is crucial to enhancing the effectiveness of policy support to countries and increases the chances of nationally-led reforms that result in better food security and nutrition outcomes. This political economy analysis note is intended to support policy practitioners [...]



Strengthening Sector Policies for Better Food Security and Nutrition Results: Land Tenure. Policy Guidance Note 7

Land, fisheries, forests and other natural resources provide a basis for livelihoods and social, cultural and religious practices. However, most people in rural areas in developing countries do not have any form of documentation to protect their land and natural resources rights, which puts their livelihoods and consequently their food and nutrition security are at risk. Secure tenure rights promote responsible investment in agriculture that could increase productivity and enhance food security and nutrition. Secure access to land, fisheries and forest resources, including water, is associated with increased social well-being and economic growth. This guidance note provides background information on [...]



Strengthening Sector Policies for Better Food Security and Nutrition Results: Policy Guidance Series

This introductory note provides the background to the FIRST Policy Guidance Notes series and comprises three sections. Section 1 describes the rationale of the guidelines; section 2 introduces the different guidance notes included in the guidelines and describes the step-wise approach adopted; section 3 unpacks the concepts related to food security, nutrition and policy.  See the complete Policy Guidance Series Now also available in Spanish and French.