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Reducing export restrictions on timber to sustain commercial forestry investments in Uganda. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 25

Over the last 20 years, the Government of Uganda has implemented several policies to promote investments in commercial forest plantations. As a result of these policy efforts, the supply of commercially produced pine is set to increase dramatically over the next few years. This brief summarizes a cost-benefir analysis based on interviews carried out in July 2019. The findings highlights a significant challenge facing the sector. Without reforms to the current market situation in the country, plantation owners are unlikely to replant pine once existing trees are harvested. The Government of Uganda now should consider implementing policies to sustain the sector, [...]

Case study


Desafíos de la producción y comercialización de algodón orgánico en Perú . Aprendizajes de agricultores familiares de Chincha y Cañete

El estudio “Desafíos de la producción y comercialización de algodón orgánico en Perú: Aprendizajes de agricultores familiares de Chincha y Cañete” presenta la experiencia que duró casi una década, del 2000 al 2009, de un grupo de agricultores familiares, productores de algodón de los valles de Cañete y Chincha, ubicados en la costa central de Perú, que se embarcaron en una iniciativa de hacer la transición del sistema convencional al sistema orgánico de producción de algodón. El objetivo principal de este estudio ha sido identificar los aprendizajes sacados de esta experiencia desde la perspectiva de los propios agricultores que de [...]

Case study


Deconstructing the gender gap in rural financial inclusion. The cases of Mozambique and Tanzania

In recent years, along with the growing recognition of the rural gender gap in financial access as a key constraint to rural development, research has focused increasingly more towards analysing in depth the financial habits and patterns followed by women in rural areas, in order to produce observations and insights that could foster a more gender-sensitive policy approach towards financial inclusion.In line with this trend, this paper sets to explore the financial habits and constraints of rural women in two Sub-Saharan African countries (Mozambique, Tanzania), both at country and village level, with the objective of answering how, and why, they [...]



Farmers and agribusinesses at risk under COVID-19. What role for blended finance funds?

The COVID-19 pandemic is a major economic shock, throwing into question the resilience of the agrifood sector at this stage, particularly in developing countries where self-employed, wage and informal workers are threatened by food supply chain disruptions, limitations on movement and trade restrictions. Even before the crisis, small and medium agribusinesses were often considered to be credit-constrained and extremely vulnerable to shocks. Reaching out to this underserved segment has been one of the objectives driving the development of blended finance funds and facilities in the agrifood sector. While many operators will be focusing on managing their portfolio through these turbulent [...]



COVID-19 crisis and support for agrifood: Public sector responses through the financial sector

This policy brief aims to provide useful information for policymakers and other stakeholders in developing countries who are in the process of designing COVID-19 response programmes addressing the needs of agrifood and rural sectors through dedicated rural finance instruments and broader financial sector involvement. The brief discusses emerging patterns on how countries are currently responding to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 crisis. It looks at a number of innovations, good practices and policy options that emerge as most relevant for developing country contexts. See the full list of policy briefs related to COVID-19



Technical guidance to improve nutrition through cash-based interventions

This guidance note is designed to assist professionals involve in implementing cash-based interventions (CBIs) that maximize nutrition outcomes, either in humanitarian contexts or embedded within social-protection policies. It can be used by professionals involved in designing and implementing CBIs or related activities to help them integrate nutrition outcomes in their work, and also by those involved in developing nutritional policies and strategies. It presents a brief background to the topic of CBIs, the theoretical framework that supports the linkages between CBIs and nutrition outcomes, a summary of the evidence on the topic, and a practical, step-by-step approach to integrating nutrition [...]

Case study


Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine in Agricultural Support Policy, Exports of Horticultural Products and Land Consolidation - TCP/UKR/3601

Agriculture is a key sector of the national economy of Ukraine, accounting for approximately one sixth of Gross Domestic product (GDP). The country became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2008, and signed the Association Agreement with the European Union (EU) at the end of 2014. This has led to new export opportunities in the agricultural and food processing sectors. At the same time, new policy approaches, instruments and institutions are needed to support further growth, as well as reforms to make these sectors more effective and competitive. Against this background, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and [...]



Food Outlook – Biannual Report on Global Food Markets. COVID-19 Special Edition

Food markets will face many more months of uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, while most markets are braced for a major global economic downturn, the agri-food sector is likely to display more resilience to the crisis than other sectors.Food Outlook is published by the Trade and Markets Division of FAO under Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS). It is a biannual publication focusing on developments affecting global food and feed markets. Each report provides comprehensive assessments and short term forecasts for production, utilization, trade, stocks and prices on a commodity by commodity basis and includes feature articles [...]



Strengthening financial services for roots and tubers value chains development in Africa. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 24

Notwithstanding an increasing demand for their derived products, roots and tubers (R&T) value chains in Africa remain loose, fragmented and informal, and many market opportunities remain unexploited. Some encouraging new investment initiatives in R&T value chains have recently been documented, both by improving the competitiveness of small actors of the value chains, and by building the capacity of financial services providers to design products and services that fit the specific needs of the mentioned actors. This policy brief provides recommendations for policymakers, including the development of incentives for investing in the sector, through the facilitation of the use of alternative [...]



Analyse des dépenses publiques en soutien à l’agriculture et l’alimentation au Bénin, 2008-2018

Cette note technique analyse le niveau, la composition et la cohérence des dépenses publiques en soutient à l’agriculture et l’alimentation au Bénin pour la période 2008-2018. Spécifiquement, la méthodologie du programme de Suivi et analyse des politiques agricoles et alimentaires (SAPAA) est employée pour identifier les tendances de soutien budgétaire à l’agriculture et l’alimentation en terme de composition fonctionnelle de la dépense publique (recherche agricole, subvention au capital, vulgarisation, etc.) et du sous-secteur qui est visé par la dépense (forêt, élevage, denrées spécifiques, etc.) ainsi que la source de financement de ces dépenses. L’étude également vise à évaluer la cohérence [...]