بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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Training & e-learning


E-learning Modules on Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture and Food Systems

This series of e-learning modules assists professionals from any food and agriculture field in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition-sensitive programmes, investments and policies. Developed through a multi-stakeholder consultative process and using a scenario-based and experiential learning approach, the modules cover all forms of malnutrition and a diversity of contexts. ALL COURSES ARE FREE. Nutrition, food security and livelihoods: basic concepts An introduction to the basic concepts of food, nutrition; the different forms of malnutrition; the frameworks for food security, nutrition security and livelihoods and their linkages. Understanding these concepts is key to be able to assess the nutrition situation [...]



Toolkit on nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems

The toolkit is an integrated package of guidance on how to design, implement, monitor and evaluate nutrition-sensitive food and agriculture policies and programmes. It is the result of a consultative process within FAO and with external partners, including development partners (in particular the World Bank and the European Commission), NGOs and academia. The toolkit includes: Key recommendations for improving nutrition through agriculture and food systems10 recommendations for designing programmes in a nutrition-sensitive way and 5 recommendations for creating an enabling environment for nutrition. Also available in French, Spanish and Russian. Designing nutrition-sensitive agriculture investments. Checklist and guidance for programme formulation provides key questions, [...]



Social Protection, Resilience and Climate Change: Learning by Having Fun

Social protection plays an important role in protecting poor and vulnerable people from natural hazards saving lives and livelihoods, while also enhancing families’ capacity to cope, respond and withstand threats and crises. Moreover, risk-informed and shock-responsive social protection systems enhance the resilience and decrease the vulnerability of the agricultural livelihoods, absorbing part of the humanitarian caseload. FAO is currently scaling-up its commitment in the field of Risk-Informed and Shock-Responsive Social Protection through evidence generation, policy support, direct implementation in emergency contexts and capacity development. FAO, together with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, is developing an interactive learning tool to [...]



Rural Youth Aged 15-17. The Right Season to Seed the Future. Expert Meeting Addressing the Challenges Faced by Rural Youth Aged 15 to 17 In Preparing for and Accessing Decent Work. Documented Results

Rural youth are the future of food security and rural poverty reduction. They are also the present as there are more young people today than ever before – 1.8 billion between the ages of 10 and 24 – most of them living in less developed countries and in rural areas. However, youth in rural areas of developing countries face enormous challenges in preparing for and accessing decent work, including in agriculture. These challenges are even greater for youth under the age of 18. Considerable work has been undertaken on understanding the challenges and solutions facing rural youth. However, youth are a heterogenous group, and attention needs [...]

Training & e-learning


Productive employment and decent work in rural areas

This e-learning course introduces you to the concepts of productive employment and decent work and its relevance for food and nutrition security and rural poverty reduction. The course also provides guidance on how to integrate employment and decent work considerations into agricultural strategies and programmes, with focus on specific groups such as rural women, youth and children in the agricultural sector. Content The course consists of 6 lessons: Lesson 1   Understanding employment and decent work in rural areas: concepts and definitions Lesson 2   The centrality of employment and decent work for agricultural development, poverty reduction and food and nutrition security Lesson 3   Youth [...]

Issue paper


Oilcrops Complex: Policy Changes and Industry Measures, Annual Compendium 2016

The compendium offers an overview of salient government policies and related private sector measures concerning global and national markets for oilcrops and derived products. Its purpose is to facilitate the work of policy makers, market experts, analysts and other interested stakeholders by providing a short, concise overview of policy developments relevant to the sector. Detailed news items are presented in tabular form (in English only), preceded by a brief discussion of the key policy trends observed in the year under review.



Analysis of Public Expenditure Towards Food Security and Nutrition. Methodology Working Paper

Given the prevalence of Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) as a development objective and the importance of appropriately using public resources, the current paper aims to propose a classification table and method to construct indicators of public expenditures towards FSN, which can subsequently be used for policy analysis. The paper follows the following structure: after a brief introduction, the research question is introduced and positioned with respect to related researches available in the literature in section 2. The rationale of the MAFAP public expenditures in support of food and agriculture methodology is detailed in section 3, before being applied to [...]



Cohérence des politiques agricoles et alimentaires au Sénégal pour la période 2010–2015. Série de notes techniques

Cette note s’emploie à évaluer la cohérence des politiques agricoles et alimentaires mises en œuvre au Sénégal entre 2010 et 2015. L’analyse révèle notamment une hausse et un rééquilibrage des dépenses publiques en soutien à la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition. Toutefois, les politiques agricoles et alimentaires du Sénégal continuent de souffrir d’un déficit de cohérence, perceptible à l’échelle du secteur agricole et de ses sous-secteurs. Les cultures végétales jouissent d’une attention prioritaire au détriment de l’élevage et de la pêche, sans pour autant répondre à un objectif politique précis. Les investissements consentis dans les infrastructures de pêche et d’élevage [...]



FAO and the SDGs. Indicators: Measuring Up to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

On 25 September 2015, the 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – including 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets – committing the international community to end poverty and hunger and achieve sustainable development between 2016 and 2030. Six months later, a global indicator framework for the SDGs – comprising 230 indicators - was identified to monitor the 169 targets and track progress, becoming the foundation of the SDGs’ accountability structure. The number of indicators - four times greater than for the MDGs - represents an immense challenge for countries. FAO [...]

Case study


Morocco. Adoption of Climate Technologies in the Agrifood Sector. Country Highlights. FAO Investment Centre

Agriculture, deforestation and other land use account for roughly 25 percent of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (IPCC, 2014). When the share of industry related to agriculture is included, the agriculture sector is an even greater contributor to climate change. It is thus crucial to identify technologies and practices that ensure a high and sustainable level of agricultural production while reducing GHG emissions from the sector. This report pilots a methodology developed to identify and assess a number of climate technologies that can contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions in a country’s agrifood sector. The analysis also suggests relevant policy areas that should be evaluated to incentivise the [...]