بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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Case study


Gender Assessment of Dairy Value Chains: Evidence from Ethiopia

The present study is a gender assessment of the dairy value chain in selected sites in Ethiopia: North Shoa Shewa (Degem woreda), East Gojam (Dejen woreda) and Gamu Gofa Arba Minch (Arba Minch Zuria woreda). It relies on evidence gathered through fieldwork complemented by a review of specialized background documentation. The findings confirm that women’s empowerment is vital for sustainable dairy value chain development and that projects supporting dairy production need to increase their efforts to be gender inclusive. The study provides country-specific recommendations for Ethiopia, which also feed into a more general knowledge base on how to develop gender-sensitive dairy value chains.

Issue paper


Meeting our goals. FAO's programme for gender equality in agriculture and rural development

FAO recognizes the potential of rural women and men in achieving food security and nutrition and is committed to overcoming gender inequality, in line with the pledge to “leave no one behind”, which is at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda. The publication illustrates the consistent and sustained work of FAO towards gender equality and women’s empowerment, which are at the core of the Organization’s work to eliminate hunger and rural poverty. Each chapter highlights the relevance of gender work to achieving the FAO Strategic Objectives, and describes main results achieved, showcasing activities implemented [...]



Negotiated territorial development in a multi-stakeholders participatory resource planning approach. An initial sustainable framework for the Near East region. Land and Water Division Working paper 15

The MENA region is known for its water scarcity situation and competition over the limited natural resources to grow grain in order to enhance domestic food supplies, or to grow high-value fruits and vegetables for export is intense and escalating. The choice between food security and lucrative exports is not simple because land and water continue to remain a fundamental part of people’s cultural identity, social relations, livelihood strategies and economic well-being. The trade-offs are critical and many aspects and may stakeholders need to be brought to the decision table. The proposed approach helps stakeholders to select and put into practice those land uses that will best meet [...]



FAO-Dimitra Clubs in Niger: Access to Water and Land

This video shows how the clubs in Niger have been crucial in ensuring women’s access to land and water , while contributing to nutrition, food security, gender equality and the reduction of rural poverty at the same time.  ”Access to Water and Land” is part of a series that illustrates the impact of FAO-Dimitra Clubs, a successful gender-transformative approach developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO-Dimitra Clubs are groups of rural women and men who decide to meet regularly to discuss the challenges they face in their daily lives, make decisions together and take collective action [...]



FAO-Dimitra Clubs: Women leaders

The video shows how Dimitra Clubs play an important role in helping women gain self-confidence and in building their capacities to become leaders in their communities. ”Women Leaders” is part of a series that illustrates the impact of Dimitra Clubs, a successful gender-transformative approach developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO-Dimitra Clubs are groups of rural women and men who decide to meet regularly to discuss the challenges they face in their daily lives, make decisions together and take collective action to solve community problems with their own means.  Since 2006, 1500 FAO-Dimitra Clubs have been set [...]



FAO-Dimitra Clubs: Community mobilization

The video shows how the members of the FAO-Dimitra Clubs in Niger and DR Congo have succeeded in improving their livelihoods and highlights the momentum they have created at community level. The video also explores the collaborations between the clubs and other development actors, such as rural institutions. ”Community Mobilization” is part of a series that illustrates the impact of Dimitra Clubs, a successful gender-transformative approach developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO-Dimitra Clubs are groups of rural women and men who decide to meet regularly to discuss the challenges they face in their daily lives, [...]



FAO-Dimitra Clubs in DR Congo: Food security and nutrition

The video demonstrates the key role of the clubs in the Province of Tshopo (DR Congo) for improving food security and nutrition and promoting gender equality for men, women and youth.  “Food security and Nutrition” is part of a series that illustrates the impact of FAO-Dimitra Clubs, a successful gender-transformative approach developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO-Dimitra Clubs are groups of rural women and men who decide to meet regularly to discuss the challenges they face in their daily lives, make decisions together and take collective action to solve community problems with their own means.  Since [...]



FAO-Dimitra Clubs : Stepping stones for action in rural areas

This video highlights the FAO Dimitra Clubs approach, its implementation, functioning modalities and keys features.  “FAO-Dimitra Clubs: Stepping stones for action in rural areas” is part of a series that illustrates the impact of FAO-Dimitra Clubs, a successful gender-transformative approach developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO-Dimitra Clubs are groups of rural women and men who decide to meet regularly to discuss the challenges they face in their daily lives, make decisions together and take collective action to solve community problems with their own means.  Since 2006, 1600 FAO-Dimitra Clubs have been set up in Burundi, DR [...]

Issue paper


How can food security interventions contribute to reducing gender-based violence?

This brief will accompany a longer guidance, called "Protection from gender-based violence in food security and agriculture interventions: A guide for FAO and partner staff" to assist in advocacy and awareness-raising. Addressing GBV in FAO’s interventions is important not only because it hinders agriculture, food and nutrition security, but also given that all agencies of the United Nations have a shared responsibility to protect individuals from human rights violations such as GBV. The guidance note gives a definition of GBV and provides guidance for practical steps to take throughout the project cycle to better integrate GBV prevention and mitigation into food security [...]



Gender-responsive disaster risk reduction in the agriculture sector. Guidance for policy-makers and practitioners

The training guide Gender-Responsive Disaster Risk Reduction in the Agriculture Sector is intended primarily for policy-makers and practitioners, who have a good understanding of disasters but limited knowledge of gender issues, and work on DRR policies, plans, information systems, or other activities related to disaster-prone communities. Its main objective is to present theoretical and practical approaches to address gender issues in DRR strategies for the agriculture sector, illustrating some  stories on how gender issues cut across men’s and women’s experiences of disaster risk and can be addressed in DRR decision-making. This guide also provides an overview of a gender-responsive planning [...]