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Forums and community of practice


Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Biodiversity Mainstreaming across Agricultural Sectors 29-31 May 2018

Together with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), FAO is hosting the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on Biodiversity Mainstreaming across Agricultural Sectors, to be held at FAO headquarters in Rome from 29 to 31 May 2018.  This meeting is one of the first activities of the Biodiversity Mainstreaming Platform launched last year. The Dialogue will be an open-ended informal meeting bringing together experts and stakeholders from agriculture, forestry, fisheries and the environment sectors aiming at identifying areas of joint action in developing integrated approaches for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, in support of the SDGs, while increasing production to meet the [...]



Establishing Effective Partnerships with the Private Sector for Agribusiness Development. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 7

This policy brief is part of the ESA Policy Brief Series. It aims to improve the understanding about the design, implementation and impact of public-private partnerships for agriculture. For this reason, FAO gathered 70 case studies from 15 developing countries along with evidence from field-based support to agri-PPP initiatives in Central America and Southeast Asia. This brief presents the lessons learned for policy makers from this study.  See the complete series here.



The treatment of agriculture in Regional Trade Agreements. Trade Policy Brief No. 29

The treatment of agriculture in Regional Trade Agreements provide a discussion on the growing importance of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) and the trends in the treatment of agriculture in RTAs. Also available in French and Spanish

Training & e-learning


Organization Analysis and Development

Effective organizations are critical for sustainable development, particularly for food security and agriculture. This course explains how to carry out effective analysis and development of state and non-state organizations in member countries. It also provides illustrations of organizational change, including in government ministries, producer organizations and research institutes. Users will learn:  The importance of analysing organizations’ strengths and weaknesses How to carry out comprehensive analyses of organizations How to design and implement organizational change How to engage in effective multi-stakeholder processes How to monitor progress in organizational development



Partners, policies and pastoralism: Bringing pastoral voices to the global stage

Millions of pastoralists worldwide provide food and important environmental benefits, yet they have little say in policies that affect them. In this video, experts and pastoral representatives discuss the importance of pastoralism and the role of the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub in bringing together various stakeholders to advocate sustainable pastoralism. For more information on the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub, please visit http://www.fao.org/pastoralist-knowledge-hub/en/ 



Turning Nationally Determined Contributions into action

This brief summarizes FAO’s analysis of NDCs and provides an overview of how the Organization, through policy processes, capacity development and technical interventions on the ground, supports the implementation of NDCs in the agriculture sectors. 



Putting the voluntary guidelines on tenure into practice. A learning guide for civil society organizations

This learning guide was developed in partnership between several divisions of the FAO and FIAN International. The methodology draws upon the one used in the People’s manual on the guidelines on governance of land, fisheries and forests: A guide for promotion, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, developed by the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) and a set of publications, among which we would like to particularly acknowledge the relevance of Enhancing stakeholder participation in national forest programmes: a training manual (FAO, 2010). This learning guide incorporates some content from these publications when relevant. This learning guide was tested in 2015 in [...]



The relationship between the governance of small-scale fisheries and the realization of the right to adequate food in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals

This conceptual-level information note seeks to highlight the human rights aspects of the goals and targets relating to food security and small-scale fisheries (SSF), particularly from the perspective of the right to adequate food, and to demonstrate how this interrelationship plays out in the monitoring mechanisms established by relevant instruments. It is the product of a collaborative effort between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to support, using a human rightsbased approach, the integrated implementation and monitoring of those SDGs that are particularly [...]



How can value chains be shaped to improve nutrition? FSN Forum

In March 2017 the Working Group on Nutrition-Sensitive Value Chains of the Rome-based Agencies (FAO, IFAD, WFP and Bioversity International) launched the online consultation How can value chains be shaped to improve nutrition? The consultation was held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 27 March to 19 April 2017. The aim of this initiative was to engage stakeholders in identifying challenges and opportunities related to nutrition sensitive value chain (NSVC) development. Participants discussed their experiences relating to past or ongoing NSVC experiences on the ground, and were also invited to comment on the discussion paper “Inclusive value chains for sustainable [...]

Case study


Watershed management in action: Lessons learned from FAO field projects

This study reviewed the achievements, and also the shortcomings, of 12 watershed management projects technically supported by FAO over the past decade, with a view to learning from experience. Unlike sectoral development approaches, watershed management involves examining the interactions among various natural processes and land uses and managing land, water and the wider ecosystem of the watershed in an integrated way. Watershed management is best carried out as a stepwise multistakeholder process. The review identified a sequence of steps that watershed management projects or programmes should ideally follow. The approach has demonstrated its effectiveness for responding to global challenges of [...]