بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises (CFS-FFA)

The objective of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises (CFS-FFA, the Framework) is to improve the food security and nutrition of populations affected by, or at risk of, protracted crises by addressing critical manifestations and building resilience; adapting to specific challenges; and contributing to addressing underlying causes. The CFS-FFA is a short document that provides a broad framework that can be used by all stakeholders who may have a role in improving or impacting food security and nutrition in protracted crises.

Issue paper


Women’s resilience to food price volatility: A policy response

In a high and volatile food price setting, two aspects determine rural women’s  ability to absorb and respond to shocks: the inequalities that create a gender gap in rural development and women’s traditional roles in society and the  household. This discussion paper points to these two aspects that, in general  terms, reduce women’s ability to cope with food price volatility. Rural women,  traditionally responsible for providing food and health in the household, face major  constraints in fulfilling their roles, rendering them more vulnerable to food price spikes. Major recommendations include building on rural women’s resiliency and mitigating negative coping strategies [...]



Brazil. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends.

In Brazil, the government has successfully adopted an integrated approach for combating malnutrition and hunger. Under the well-known Zero Hunger strategy (“Fome Zero”) and subsequent Brazil Without Misery plan (“Brasil Sem Miséria”), innovative social programmes were launched to target more poor women and children. 

Issue paper


Nutrition and Resilience. Strengthening the links between Resilience and Nutrition in Food and Agriculture

This paper is an attempt to bring together the thinking on nutrition and resilience from a food and agriculture perspective and to discuss the linkages between the two agendas from a conceptual, strategic and operational perspective. The paper argues that good nutrition is both an essential “input” for resilience and an outcome of resilience. It highlights key areas of convergence between the two concepts as well as opportunities to enhance the nutritional impact of resilience building programming in the context of the food and agriculture sector. Building on the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s resilience strategy, this paper then [...]



Building Resilience in Protracted Crises and Natural Disasters

Disasters and crises undermine development. Natural disasters have affected more than 2.7 billion people over the last decade. More people face hydrometeorological hazards (for example, floods, droughts, storms and wildfires) and geological hazards (for example, earthquakes and landslides) than ever before. The intensity and frequency of natural disasters is increasing, compromising sustainable development by affecting livelihoods and threatening food security and nutrition. Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture are among the most exposed and affected sectors. Existing risk reduction and management measures need to be improved and scaled up. Many countries are poorly equipped to prevent, prepare and mitigate the impacts of current extremes and risks, including [...]

Issue paper


Promoting Economic Diversification and Decent Rural Employment Towards Greater Resilience to Food Price Volatility

The poor are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of high and volatile food prices. Available evidence, while not conclusive, indicates that both urban and rural poor, including poor farmers, are particularly exposed because they are typically net buyers of food (Ivanic and Martin, 2008). Food accounts for as much as three-quarters of the expenditures of poor households in some countries.



Resilient livelihoods: Disaster risk reduction for food and nutrition security

This framework explains the Disaster Risk Reduction for Food and Nutrition Security Framework Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) which has been undertaken with the goal of enhancing the resilience of livelihoods against threats and emergencies to ensure the food and nutrition security of vulnerable farmers, fishers, herders, foresters and other at risk groups. The framework presents four thematic pillars which mirror the priorities outlined in the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA): (i) enable the environment, emphasizing good governance and effective policy making; (ii) watch to safeguard, emphasizing early warning systems; (iii) apply prevention and [...]



Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook

This comprehensive sourcebook on climate-smart agriculture (CSA), produced by the Food and Agriculture Organisation, consists of eighteen modules covering every aspect of planning and implementing CSA policies and projects.  Aimed primarily at developing countries, the opening module outlines the case for CSA (including forestry and fisheries), discussing issues such as food security, resilient systems, and systemic efficiency. The sourcebook argues that if we are to match growing demand whilst simultaneously combating climate change, it is crucial that greater efficiency and resilience is achieved in our food systems to aid climate mitigation and adaptation respectively. This has to happen globally, and in [...]



Emergency Prevention System: Prevention Saves Lives, Livelihoods and Money

The Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES) addresses prevention and early warning across the entire food chain. It promotes the effective containment and management of the most serious epidemic pests and diseases and food safety threats through international cooperation involving early detection, early warning, preparedness and timely reaction, coordination and communication, and capacity development.



Doing More with Less. Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture

Increasing agricultural productivity and supporting people to make the most of natural and other resources through sustainable forestry, fisheries, aquaculture, crop and livestock practices. Given that the global population is expected to grow from 7 to 9 billion by 2050, there will be rapidly increasing demand for food, fibre, wood and other agricultural products. Doing more with less is imperative. This area of work will assist countries in identifying options and solutions to increased productivity and saving on external resources. Investing in this area of work means promoting increased sustainable production, enhanced environmental and social performance, and ensured resilience of communities and ecosystems to climate change and [...]