بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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Issue paper


COVID-19: Channels of transmission to food and agriculture

This paper aims to identify the channels of transmissions of the COVID-19 pandemic into the food and agriculture sectors and, based on this, to delineate the degrees of exposure to the COVID-19 shock by geographic region. Primary production, trade and final consumption are analysed in detail and, where possible, quantified. Based on results of the analysis, a country taxonomy of the exposure is developed and presented.  



COVID-19 and the risk to food supply chains: How to respond?

This policy brief is part of a series that aims at analysing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the food and agriculture sectors. This brief, specifically, analysis possible impacts of the measures adopted by countries to fight the pandemic, on food supply chains. It identifies and illustrates what countries should do in order to keep food supply chains alive.  Also available in Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, French and Russian



2019 Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition - In Brief

In the 2017 and 2018 editions of the Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition, FAO reported that the prevalence of undernourishment was rising in the region. The latest data shows that the deterioration has slowed, but there remain 256 million hungry people in Africa today. The report further documents that although many African countries are making progress towards reducing malnutrition, progress is too slow to meet six key nutrition targets, which form part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) monitoring framework and the World Health Assembly global nutrition targets. Food insecurity has been rising in Africa in recent [...]



Responding to the challenge of Non-communicable Diseases. The role of the food and agriculture sector

FAO is uniquely positioned to contribute to global efforts to reduce the prevalence of overweight, obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through the support it provides to countries in reforming their food systems and its work with line ministries responsible for agriculture, trade, environment and rural development, as well as with other UN agencies and development partners. This brief, prepared by FAO as part of a set of United Nations system agency briefs under the UN Interagency Task Force on NCDs, presents FAO key areas of engagement and partnerships to address the challenge of NCDs.

Issue paper


Agricultural finance and the youth – Prospects for financial inclusion in Uganda

The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive assessment of the current state of financial inclusion of the rural youth in Uganda, with a specific focus on their engagement in the agricultural sector and the financial services that are available to them to pursue their business ventures in this area. The study seeks to illustrate and bring to light the core constraints and opportunities associated with the provision of tailored financial services to young agricultural entrepreneurs in the country, while showcasing the essential role that key support actors (such as the Government, Central Bank, international development institutions, NGOs, foundations [...]



Marco de la FAO para la alimentación y la nutrición escolar

El Marco de la FAO para la Alimentación y Nutrición Escolar tiene como objetivo apoyar a los gobiernos y las instituciones para que desarrollen, transformen o fortalezcan sus políticas, programas y otras iniciativas a fin de lograr un mejor impacto en la alimentación, la nutrición escolar y adolescente, el desarrollo socioeconómico comunitario y los sistemas alimentarios locales. El Marco representa una respuesta directa al llamado internacional para mejorar la nutrición a lo largo del ciclo de vida y para transformar los sistemas alimentarios, en el contexto de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), la Segunda Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición (CIN2) y el [...]



Advancing knowledge – Supporting policy-making – Impacting lives (Revised Edition)

The FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) is an inclusive, neutral platform for people and institutions to share knowledge and support policy-making. Over the years, the FSN Forum online discussions have played an important role in strengthening and democratizing policy dialogue in line with the UN’s move towards more inclusive decision-making processes within the development community. The FSN Forum engages a broad spectrum of citizens, experts, governments, non-governmental and private entities at the global, regional and national levels, fostering awareness, debate and mutual learning on the broad range of issues that affect food securityand nutrition. This publication presents the [...]



Renforcement des capacités de planification de l’adaptation pour la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition: Saga-Sénégal

​Le projet «Renforcement des capacités de planification de l'adaptation pour la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition» au Sénégal est un projet de collaboration multi-acteurs développé par la FAO et le gouvernement du Québec avec le soutien du gouvernement du Sénégal. L'objectif principal de ce projet, qui intervient dans deux pays francophones, Haïti et le Sénégal, est de renforcer la résilience des secteurs agricoles face au changement climatique pour la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition.



Amélioration de la gestion des pertes après-récolte dans les filières céréales et légumineuses au Burkina Faso

Cette note d’orientation politique est basée sur les travaux de l’atelier de consultation national qui s’est tenu à Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso le 15 mars 2017, dans le cadre du projet «Intégration des initiatives pour la réduction des pertes alimentaires pour les petits producteurs dans les zones à déficit alimentaire» décrit ci-après. L’atelier a réuni des représentants des Directions techniques du Ministère de l’Agriculture et des Aménagements Hydrauliques, des organisations professionnelles, des instituts de recherche et des universités, et des Partenaires Techniques et Financiers (PTF), du Gouvernement du Burkina Faso, Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), le Programme [...]

Training & e-learning


Introduction to Climate-Smart Agriculture

This course analyses climate change impacts on agriculture, food security and food systems and provides an overview of the main climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in agriculture. It also introduces the Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) approach and describes the 5-step process to implement it.  Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours Publication Date: November 2018 AudienceThis course addresses the subject matter from a technical perspective, but is written for the general public. Individuals who would especially benefit from taking the course include: Policy makers Development practitioners and programme managers Sectoral specialists and academics Trainers and extension agents ContentThe course consists of 4 lessons, ranging from approximately 15 to 25 minutes duration each: Lesson 1 [...]