بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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Malawi. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends.

In reaction to weather and market induced food price crises, the government has implemented various measures targeting maize in order to combat low production and high prices such as the Farm Input Subsidy Programme (FISP) in 2005/06, export bans in 2005/06, 2008/09 and 2012/13, private domestic trade bans in 2006 and 2008, and import restrictions throughout the entire period under review.



Ghana. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

Supporting agri-food production and exports has been the leading policy since 2007, with particular emphasis on agricultural modernization and ensuring minimum prices for farmers. The government’s social policy has focused on cash transfer programmes to improve health and education, and to alleviate poverty. Following these efforts and with the support of the overall economic growth since 2005, both income and social living conditions have improved. For more country policy briefs by FAPDA please see here.



Burundi. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

The government of Burundi has timidly decreased State involvement in strategic value chains, with a view to open the market, enhance effectiveness, and reduce the fiscal deficit. With regards to social protection, no specific national programmes are in place, though the country joined the Scaling Up Nutrition movement in 2013 committing to tackle the alarming levels of malnutrition in the country (the highest in the region). For more country policy briefs by FAPDA please see here.

Case study


Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia. Key Trends in the Agrifood Sector. Country Highlights. FAO Investment Centre

The notes collected in this publication were initially disseminated at the “Private Sector Forum on Food Security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Region” jointly organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) in May 2015. The notes aim to inform EBRD agribusiness investments in the SEMED and disseminate knowledge on current trends in agribusiness and food security. The EBRD called upon FAO’s technical assistance to carry out an analysis of key trends in the agribusiness sector of four specific countries: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan. This process resulted in four country [...]



Kenya's Tea Sector under Climate Change. An Impact Assessment and Formulation of a climate-Smart Strategy

Following the Intergovernmental Group Meeting on Tea in New Delhi in 2010, FAO was requested by the Government of Kenya to assist with a climate change impact assessment of tea in Kenya and to help develop a new strategy to confront its effects. This report is the outcome of a two-year project in Kenya and offers the findings from an integrated climate impact assessment. The analysis covered (i) historical and future links between climate parameters and tea yields, (ii) a carbon life cycle analysis, (iii) tea management scenarios under climate change using aquacrop model, and (iv) a socio-economic analysis of [...]



Potential Impacts on Sub-Saharan Africa of Reducing Food Loss and Waste in the European Union. A Focus on Food Prices and Price Transmission Effects

This paper uses scenario analyses to investigate how reductions in food loss and waste (FLW) in the European Union (EU) could influence prices in sub-Saharan Africa – as a source and destination of traded agricultural and food products. In addition to a baseline “business as usual” (BaU) scenario, four scenarios with 50-percent reductions are enacted using the Modular Applied GeNeral Equilibrium Tool (MAGNET). The analysis provides insights on potential impacts in terms of medium- to long-term global and local price changes in sub- Saharan Africa and the mechanisms behind them – changes in production, consumption and trade patterns. It also provides [...]



Inclusive Business Models for the Integration of Smallholders into Agrifood Value Chains. Agroindustry Policy Brief 3

Inclusive business models promote the integration of smallholders into markets, with the underlying principle that there are mutual benefits for poor farmers and the business community. A business model describes how any given enterprise – large or small, informal or formal – creates and markets its products or services, obtains finance, and sources inputs. Each enterprise has its own unique business model. The range of business models that make up an agricultural value chain include farm enterprises, traders, agroprocessors, wholesalers, transporters, warehouses and retailers, among others. An inclusive business model approach reinforces the value chain by focusing exclusively on strengthening business models that link small farmers to value chains. Smallholder business models [...]

Data and statistics


Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS). Policy Database

The AMIS policy database gathers information on trade measures and domestic measures related to the four AMIS crops (wheat, maize, rice, and soybeans) as well as biofuels. The design of this database allows comparisons across countries, across commodities and across policies for selected periods of time.

Issue paper


Agricultural Growth in West Africa: Market and Policy Drivers (AGWA)

West African Agriculture is at a turning point. The combination of strong demand growth, sustained economic growth, higher global agricultural prices, and an improved policy environment has generated the most conducive conditions for Agricultural growth in over 30 years. West African countries and their Development Partners now clearly recognize the sector’s vital importance for broad-based growth, food security, improved nutrition and poverty reduction. At the same time, a combination of old and new challenges ranging from climate change to increased price volatility threaten the ability of West Africans to seize these opportunities. In view of the challenges and opportunities facing [...]



Climate Change and Food Systems: Global Assessments and Implications for Food Security and Trade

This book collects the findings of a group of scientists and economists who have taken stock of climate change impacts on food and agriculture at global and regional levels over the past two decades. The evidence presented describes how global warming will impact where and how food is produced, and discusses the significant consequences for food security, health and nutrition, water scarcity and climate adaptation. The book also highlights the implications for global food trade. The evidence presented in the book is presented in a way that is widely accessible to policy decision makers and practitioners and makes a distinct [...]