بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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SEPAL, a big-data platform for forest and land monitoring. Powering innovation and application in the use of satellite imagery for natural resource management

Accurate information is critical for natural resources to be managed sustainably. Developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing, and Analysis for Land Monitoring (SEPAL) helps countries monitor and report on forests and land use. SEPAL offers users unparalleled access to satellite data, an easy-to-use interface, and powered by cloud-based supercomputers, paving the way for improved climate change mitigation plans and data-driven land-use policies.



State of school-based food and nutrition education in 30 low- and middle-income countries. Survey report

Progressively more countries are reportedly incorporating school-based food and nutrition education (SFNE) into their education, nutrition and school feeding policies, acknowledging its role in impacting children’s food outlooks and practices, and that of their parents, families and the community. Despite this increasing interest and global recognition, there is no clear picture of SFNE implementation at school level, which makes it challenging to identify gaps, take corrective measures, make reforms or introduce new policy initiatives.Framed under FAO’s school food and nutrition work, the aim of the survey was to determine the current role, approach, scope and linkages of government run SFNE [...]



Accounting for livestock water productivity: How and why?

The assessment of water productivity in livestock supply chains has a critical role to play in developing productive and sustainable food production systems worldwide. In particular, the evaluation of water productivity improvement options is key to addressing growing food demand and the projected impacts of climate change under conditions where the availability of land and water resources is increasingly limited. In this report, we review current applications of water productivity analysis in livestock supply chains. To do so, we analysed 50 livestock water productivity studies carried out in various regions of the world from 1993 to the present time. We [...]



Implementing livestock sector policies, laws and regulations. Milestones for an evidence based multi-stakeholder dialogue

The brief presents the foundations for an evidence based multi-stakeholder dialogue aimed at facilitating the enforcement of laws and regulations on biosecurity practices along the livestock value chain. It systematizes the information necessary to faciliate policy implementation and key elements of a participatory multi-stakeholder dialogue.



Using climate services in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors. Briefing note, December 2020

This brief provides an overview of Climate Services (CS) and how they can be used to assess risk and optimize adaptation decision-making in the agriculture sectors.1 It highlights entry points to integrate CS across all elements of adaptation planning while acknowledging the challenges and limitations of using CS, particularly in the least Developed Countries (LDCs). The brief also discusses key considerations in using climate services for planning and provides technical guidance on dealing with the uncertainty and confidence of climate projections.



Good beekeeping practices: Practical manual on how to identify and control the main diseases of the honeybee (Apis mellifera)

This is a practical tool to help beekeepers, veterinarians and beekeeping advisory services to properly identify main honeybee diseases and to take the most appropriate actions in the apiary to control and/or prevent disease outbreaks. This publication follows the TECA publication Main bee diseases: good beekeeping practices (2018) which provided a more general overview of good beekeeping practices for bee diseases.This manual is a unique publication because, through its presentation of practical information, simple visuals, and understandable content, it helps beekeepers to correctly identify main honeybee diseases in a timely manner. More specifically, the manual creatively illustrates actions which facilitate [...]



Indicators of the genetic diversity of trees – State, pressure, benefit and response. The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

This study, prepared within the ambit of The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources, reviews issues related to the development of indicators for tree genetic diversity. It includes a historical account of the development of science-based indicators for tree genetic diversity that embrace ecological surrogates for genetic diversity, the genealogical approach, genetic monitoring of management units, the use of molecular markers, as well as relevant experience from other organisms and policy processes. It also includes a section on relevant data, data sources, and databases. Finally, the study proposes a set of four operational indicators for monitoring tree genetic diversity. The [...]

Issue paper


Data for decision-making. Rapid, repeated assessments to monitor food insecurity at national and regional level

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified development challenges across Europe and Central Asia, generating ever more demand for rapid, accessible and reliable data to guide decision-making. The evolving pandemic and associated economic crisis are impacting food security and jeopardizing countries’ progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Identifying and evaluating the multi-faceted impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the food security situation requires real-time, quality information that enables the measurement of changes in people’s access to food and an assessment of the underlying causes.See the full list of policy briefs related to COVID-19.

Case study


STOSAR - Support Towards the Operationalization of the SADC Regional Agricultural Policy project

FAO Project GCP /SFS/004/EC. The overall objective of the STOSAR project is to accelerate progress towards implementation of the SDAC regional integration, which focuses on: i. enhancing information on agricultural production, sustainability and competitiveness for evidence-based decision-making; and, ii. improving access to markets through implementation of plant and animal pest and disease control strategies at the regional level.



AGRIS, the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology. User Guide

AGRIS is one of the most comprehensive databases for food and agricultural scientific literature worldwide. Accessible through a web portal, millions of bibliographic records in 90 different languages are available for free to global users. An international network of data providers, including publishers, governments and organizations, volunteer information (metadata) about science publications. These records are provided in multilingual formats and frequently include full text links to connect users to scientific literature worldwide.Over recent years, AGRIS has evolved to become an acknowledged information resource worldwide by moving from paper to digital, and from a centralized model to a distributed network. This [...]