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Strengthening Sector Policies for Better Food Security and Nutrition Results: Land Tenure. Policy Guidance Note 7

Land, fisheries, forests and other natural resources provide a basis for livelihoods and social, cultural and religious practices. However, most people in rural areas in developing countries do not have any form of documentation to protect their land and natural resources rights, which puts their livelihoods and consequently their food and nutrition security are at risk. Secure tenure rights promote responsible investment in agriculture that could increase productivity and enhance food security and nutrition. Secure access to land, fisheries and forest resources, including water, is associated with increased social well-being and economic growth. This guidance note provides background information on [...]



Strengthening Sector Policies for Better Food Security and Nutrition Results. Gender Equality. Policy Guidance Note 6

Rural women make up the majority of food producers in the world, and they are vital to the wellbeing of their families and communities. Yet, in many parts of the world, women face multiple forms of discrimination that affect their potential. They often have less access to resources and fewer opportunities to participate in decision-making processes. The gender and food security policy domains are generally disconnected: food security and nutrition objectives are rarely reflected in gender-related policies, and gender equality concerns are often missing in food security and nutrition policies. This gender guidance note seeks to facilitate policy dialogue on [...]



Strengthening Sector Policies for Better Food Security and Nutrition Results: Climate Change. Policy Guidance Note 5

Extreme climate events are increasing in frequency and intensity, threatening the agriculture sectors and the livelihoods they support. By impacting on agro-ecosystems, climate change and variability have socio-economic implications on the livelihoods and food security and nutrition of the most vulnerable. On the other hand, the agriculture sectors are also significant greenhouse gas emitters. This note aims to serve as orientation material for policy advisors and policymakers confronted with the challenge of ensuring food security and nutrition in the face of climate change and extreme climate events.  Now available in French and Spanish.  See the complete Policy Guidance Series  



Strengthening Sector Policies for Better Food Security and Nutrition Results: Social Protection. Policy Guidance Note 4

Social protection is a key strategy in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. By addressing the underlying causes of hunger, social protection programmes can enhance households’ food consumption along with their ability to produce food and augment income. In the absence of social protection, the food-insecure are often forced to cope in ways that further increase their vulnerability and undermine their future income. The extension of social protection to these population groups is critical; however, the depth of its impacts depends on how programmes are designed and implemented. This social protection guidance note supports policy dialogue by considering different programming [...]



Strengthening Sector Policies for Better Food Security and Nutrition Results: Forestry. Policy Guidance Note 3

Forests have the potential to contribute to food security and nutrition in a number of ways. They are a source of food and they provide woodfuel for cooking, income, employment and ecosystem services that are essential to support agricultural and fishery production. Despite this potential, most often the existing forestry policies are focused on economic efficiency and do not consider the relevance of forests to sustainable food security and nutrition. Conversion of forests to other land uses, for example, is usually justified on an economic basis, with insufficient attention to the long-term environmental and livelihood impacts on local people. This [...]



Strengthening Sector Policies for Better Food Security and Nutrition Results: Fisheries and Aquaculture. Policy Guidance Note 1

One hundred million people worldwide earn an income from fisheries and aquaculture and many more rely on fish for a nutritious diet. The policy agenda of the sector tends to be oriented towards commercial interests. Often, food security, nutrition and livelihoods concerns are not well factored into fisheries-related policy measures due to the overall lack of knowledge about their linkages, as well as poor coordination across the respective policy domains. This fisheries and aquaculture guidance note highlights the importance of fisheries in local and global food systems and demonstrates how related policy measures can contribute to nutrition and health, particularly [...]



Climate-Smart Agriculture Guideline for the United Republic of Tanzania: A Country–Driven Response to Climate Change, Food and Nutrition Insecurity

This guideline is an instructive tool that highlights key climate change and agricultural risks in the United Republic of Tanzania and provides information on mainstreaming climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives within rural development. It provides guidance on how this could best be achieved through the implementation of the CSA approach, in line with other policies related to agriculture sectors, food and nutrition security, and climate change. Its goal is thus primarily to inform on the implementation of the CSA framework and to describe the CSA practices and technologies best suited for different regions and agro–climatic zones of the country. [...]

Training & e-learning


E-learning Modules on Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture and Food Systems

This series of e-learning modules assists professionals from any food and agriculture field in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition-sensitive programmes, investments and policies. Developed through a multi-stakeholder consultative process and using a scenario-based and experiential learning approach, the modules cover all forms of malnutrition and a diversity of contexts. ALL COURSES ARE FREE. Nutrition, food security and livelihoods: basic concepts An introduction to the basic concepts of food, nutrition; the different forms of malnutrition; the frameworks for food security, nutrition security and livelihoods and their linkages. Understanding these concepts is key to be able to assess the nutrition situation [...]



Toolkit on nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems

The toolkit is an integrated package of guidance on how to design, implement, monitor and evaluate nutrition-sensitive food and agriculture policies and programmes. It is the result of a consultative process within FAO and with external partners, including development partners (in particular the World Bank and the European Commission), NGOs and academia. The toolkit includes: Key recommendations for improving nutrition through agriculture and food systems10 recommendations for designing programmes in a nutrition-sensitive way and 5 recommendations for creating an enabling environment for nutrition. Also available in French, Spanish and Russian. Designing nutrition-sensitive agriculture investments. Checklist and guidance for programme formulation provides key questions, [...]

Training & e-learning


Productive employment and decent work in rural areas

This e-learning course introduces you to the concepts of productive employment and decent work and its relevance for food and nutrition security and rural poverty reduction. The course also provides guidance on how to integrate employment and decent work considerations into agricultural strategies and programmes, with focus on specific groups such as rural women, youth and children in the agricultural sector. Content The course consists of 6 lessons: Lesson 1   Understanding employment and decent work in rural areas: concepts and definitions Lesson 2   The centrality of employment and decent work for agricultural development, poverty reduction and food and nutrition security Lesson 3   Youth [...]