بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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Issue paper


Measuring progress towards sustainable agriculture

This paper presents a new methodological approach aimed at measuring progress towards sustainable agriculture in countries and across agri-food systems typologies, by measuring socio-economic and environmental dimensions with available national statistics, with sixteen indicators defined and constructed from FAOSTAT data. A trend analysis is carried out at country level over the time series 1961-2018, with country results aggregated by four agri-food systems typologies: traditional; land-intensive and capital-intensive mixed systems; and modern food systems. The analysis provides a novel framework for the analysis of progress in achieving sustainable agriculture by country and agri-food system type, that can be implemented effectively and [...]

Case study


Progress towards sustainable agriculture – Drivers of change

The Progress towards Sustainable Agriculture initiative (PROSA) is a framework that seeks to complement ongoing efforts on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and particularly indicator 2.4.1, to support country-level assessments using data already available at the national level. Making agriculture more sustainable – productive, environmentally friendly, resilient and profitable is fundamental, as agriculture remains the main source of livelihood for the majority of the world’s poor and hungry. The pathway towards sustainable agriculture must ensure increasing output, but also make more efficient use of increasingly scarce global resources, be resilient to and help mitigate climate change, and improve human well-being. This [...]

Case study


Public expenditure analysis for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector – A case study of Uganda

This paper presents a methodology for public expenditure review and analysis for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector. It outlines the basic methodological concepts, including the classification of public expenditures in the context of their links to climate change adaptation and mitigation. It also illustrates how such analysis can usefully contribute to policy decision making to better achieve the climate change adaptation and mitigation goals using the case study of Uganda. The proposed classification allows for analysing the level and the composition of public expenditures that influence adaptation capacity of the sector to climate change, and actions [...]
water, productivity, yield gap ethiopia.PNG

Issue paper


Water productivity, the yield gap, and nutrition. The case of Ethiopia

The report uses a nutritional water productivity (NWP) framework to interpret the relationship between nutrition and water in the context of water challenges. It argues that higher yields – of both staple and nutritious crops – are possible, even in water-stressed areas. This will require an agricultural transformation that ensures that efforts to enhance water productivity are linked to the promotion of healthy diets.Increasing water productivity and stabilizing yields at realistic levels will also be crucial to increasing the resilience of farmers. Better coordination and timing of water and other inputs, notably fertilizers and improved seeds, is likely to enhance [...]

Case study


Nature-based solutions in agriculture The case and pathway for adoption

Food system demands have increased exponentially in recent decades and are estimated to continue growing as global populations increase and economic affluence expands. However, the very foundation of a productive system – healthy lands and soils and clean water supply – is already under immense pressure. In fact, by the most credible estimates, up to 52% of global agricultural lands are now moderately to severely degraded, with millions of hectares per year degrading to the point they are abandoned by the land manager. The loss of productive land, coupled with increased food demand, pushes agriculture to be the primary driver [...]

Issue paper


Water and agriculture. An issues note produced for the G20 Presidency of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

This document was prepared by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and inputs from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) as an input for the discussions of the 2020 G20 Saudi Presidency.

Case study


Status of digital agriculture in 47 sub-Saharan African countries

Sub-Saharan Africa is uniquely positioned significantly increase its current agricultural productivity to lift the region’s more than 400 million people out of extreme poverty and improve the livelihood of approximately 250 million smallholder farmers and pastoralists in the region. To achieve that, substantive digital transformation of the agriculture sector is required through improved infrastructure and increased access to and use of digital technologies for agriculture. To improve the current understanding of sub-Saharan Africa’s digital agriculture landscape, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) undertook this study in 47 countries. The report is [...]

Issue paper


FAO en América Latina y el Caribe

En este reporte FAO ilustra los avances realizados durante el año 2021, en el cumplimiento del mandato que nos dieron los Países Miembros. Durante 2021, los países de América Latina y el Caribe demostraron que incluso durante uno de los periodos más demandantes de la historia reciente, es posible impulsar una mejor producción, una mejor nutrición, un mejor medio ambiente y una vida mejor, sin dejar a nadie atrásLos resultados incluidos en este documento son ejemplos importantes, pero parciales, de nuestro quehacer.

Issue paper


Supporting an enabling legal environment for women’s empowerment in food and agriculture

Empowerment is the “expansion of people’s ability to make strategic life choices” (Kabeer, 1999). According to the UN, women’s empowerment has five components: women’s sense of self-worth; their right to have and to determine choices; their right to have access to opportunities and resources; their right to have the power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home; and their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally (FAO, 2017). The process of empowerment rests on enabling social conditions including social norms and legislative action [...]

Issue paper


COVID-19 impacts on smallholder farmers in Northern Shan State in Myanmar. Interactions of reduced border trade, remittances and contracted labour markets, and their influence on household food security, nutrition and land tenure

Report on how the first wave of COVID-19 impacted on smallholder farmers in northern Shan State in Myanmar. The study examines the interactions of reduced border trade, remittances and contracted labour markets on household food security, nutrition and land tenure. In turn, tenure insecurity in rural areas may deepen the effects of COVID-19, as most rural people struggle to sustain their livelihoods through access to land and other natural resources. This is relevant as many ethnic groups in northern Shan State continue to manage their land through customary tenure systems that are not fully recognized by state authorities.See the full [...]