بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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FAO Investment Centre Annual Review 2019

FAO’s Investment Centre provides a wide range of investment support services to developing and transition countries. This third annual review shines a light on the work of the Investment Centre and its partners - the international financing institutions - carried out in 2019 to increase the volume and quality of investments in food security, nutrition, agriculture and rural development. During that year, the Centre supported investment-related policy studies and processes to increase policy dialogue and contributed to the design, technical assistance, supervision or evaluation of investment projects in 133 countries. It increasingly linked both its policy work with investment support to [...]



Chronicles from the secretariats. Regional fishery body secretariats’ network

This magazine is developed by the RSN contributions from secretariats of regional fisheries management organizations, regional fisheries advisory bodies, and related networks and partners, as well as colleagues from FAO and other agencies and organizations working on matters relevant to these bodies.The Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of FAO hosts and provides the RSN Secretariat services, the venue for biennial meetings, and has a day-to-day collaboration with the network on technical and operational issues. In this context, the Secretariat will continue working with its members, partners, and colleagues, to ensure, as much as possible, that voices and experiences from different regions [...]



The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2020. Agricultural markets and sustainable development: Global value chains, smallholder farmers and digital innovations

The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2020 (SOCO 2020) aims to discuss policies and mechanisms that promote sustainable outcomes – economic, social and environmental – in agricultural and food markets, both global and domestic. The analysis is organized along the trends and challenges that lie at the heart of global discussions on trade and development. These include the evolution of trade and markets; the emergence of global value chains in food and agriculture; the extent to which smallholder farmers in developing countries participate in value chains and markets; and the transformative impacts of digital technology on markets.Along these themes, SOCO [...]

Issue paper


Key success factors and obstacles for FAO energy projects in humanitarian settings. An evaluation of FAO’s energy-in-emergency portfolio to inform future programming in three Eastern African Countries

Under the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) programme, FAO has contributed to improving resilience and livelihoods for refugees and internally displaced people in 14 countries through four types of activities: clean cooking, forest management, renewable energy in agri-food chains and policy support.This publication evaluates FAO’s energy-in-emergency portfolio in Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan to define innovative programming options for efficient energy access within the humanitarian settings of these three countries.



Trade policy review in Europe and Central Asia: Quarterly Bulletin No.2

This quarterly bulletin features agricultural trade policy changes in the region. It provides current trade measures, agreements, statistics and articles by experts covering trade-related issues in countries across the region, and it is sent to members of the Agricultural Trade Expert Network.The network connects experts from around Europe and Central Asia as part of the Regional Initiative on Agrifood Trade and Market Integration. These experts research, train and advise governments and the private sector on agricultural trade issues in the region, including participation in multilateral and regional trade agreements.The newsletter is available in English on a quarterly basis in 2020, [...]



The role of digital technologies in livestock traceability and trade

This policy brief provides an overview on the role of digital technologies in optimizing traceability in trade for animals and animal products. It highlights the ways in which digital technologies can the enhance performance for monitoring and controlling animal disease, managing food safety and fraud risks, complying with animal production and food standards, facilitating trade and raising consumer awareness.

Case study


Final evaluation of the project “Conservation of biodiversity and mitigation of land degradation through adaptive management of agricultural heritage systems". Project code: GCP/MOR/044/GFF GEF ID: 5481

Morocco has a diverse and varied landscape, as part of the Mediterranean basin. Nevertheless, the country's valuable biodiversity, including the Atlas Mountains and its oasis systems, is threatened. 30 000 hectares of plant cover are thus lost each year in Morocco; this has significant consequences on the various species that depend on this cover for their protection, and creates a vicious circle. Biodiversity conservation and mitigation of land degradation through adaptive management of agricultural heritage systems are a priority for the country. To face these challenges, between April 2015 and December 2019, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) with the contribution [...]

Case study


Final evaluation of the project “Adaptive management and monitoring of the Maghreb’s oases systems”. Project code: GCP/SNE/002/GFF GEF ID: 5798

The Maghreb's oases systems provide a major contribution to the region's food security, economy and protection of natural resources and play an essential role in the settlement of populations through job creation. Despite this potential, oasis ecosystems are threatened by a range of complex factors related to the expansion of agricultural land, increasing scarcity of water resources and competition for water. The project “Adaptive management and monitoring of the Maghreb's oases systems", implemented by FAO in Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania from May 2016 to December 2019, brought together several key stakeholders from these three oasis countries, in order to address [...]

Issue paper


The potential of agroecology to build climate-resilient livelihoods and food systems

This study highlights the links between agroecology and climate change, by providing evidence on the technical (i.e. ecological and socio-economic) and policy potential of agroecology to build resilient food systems. The report aims to answer the following question:- How can agroecology foster climate change adaptation, mitigation and resilience through practices and policies?Inspired by the idea that transformation will only happen through a coordinated approach among all levels, this study aims to combine evidence from a broad range of backgrounds and perspectives.



Trade finance and digital technologies: Facilitating access to international markets. FAO Trade Policy Briefs No. 35 Trade & Agriculture Innovation

This policy brief provides an overview of how digital technologies can help facilitate access to trade finance for market participants, in particular micro, small and medium sized enterprises, by addressing numerous challenges in traditional trade finance. Find more FAO Trade Policy briefs here.