Policy Support and Governance Gateway

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Building capacity related to multilateral environmental agreements in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries

In the majority of developing countries, pesticides are widely used for the control of pests and diseases in agriculture. Unsound chemical management, the use of Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs), the presence of unsafeguarded obsolete stocks of pesticides and the overall poor management of pesticide products pose significant and often unacceptable risks to human health and the environment. The project(of which this was the second phase) was part of the European Commission programme on “Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements(MEAs) in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries”. The second phase of this project aimed to support and strengthen institutional and national [...]

Case study


Agrifood marketing and export promotion policies. Case studies of Austria, Brazil, Chile, Estonia, Poland and Serbia

Increasing exports is one of the most important priorities for governments and plays a prominent role in the development agenda in developing countries, high-income states and all countries between. On the other hand, pursuing the intensification of trade demands a deliberate policy framework tailored to country-specific needs and the interests of producers. In light of this, governments around the globe have developed various export promotion policies – some that share similar characteristics and others that are unique – that can serve as best practices to many. The purpose of this paper is to identify the best promotional practices implemented [...]

Case study


Analyse de la résilience au Nord Kivu, la République Démocratique du Congo. Rapport d’analysede la résilience No. 13

Le rapport décrit les principaux résultats de l'analyse de résilience réalisée dans le Nord-Kivu, en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Les agences des Nations Unies basées à Rome (ABR) qui comprennent la FAO, le PAM, et le FIDA avec l’appui du Gouvernement canadien mettent en oeuvre un programme visant à renforcer la résilience des moyens d’existence dans les contextes de crises prolongées en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), au Niger et en Somalie.  Le programme a commencé en avril 2017 et se terminera en décembre 2021. En RDC, le programme est mis en oeuvre dans le territoire de Rutshuru dans la [...]



Food Price Monitoring and Analysis Tool (FPMA)

The Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) database includes over 1400 monthly domestic retail and/or wholesale price series of major foods consumed in 94 countries and weekly/monthly prices for 85 internationally traded foods. The Tool provides easy access to the data, allowing users to quickly browse and analyse trends of single price series, create comparisons among countries/markets/commodities, and download charts, data and basic statistics such as maximum and minimum levels, averages, percentage changes and standard deviations over different time periods. The Tool was developed in 2010 as part of FAO’s initiatives to address the soaring food prices.



Home-Grown School Feeding Resource Framework. Technical Document

This Resource framework is intended as a guidance tool for stakeholders involved in programme design, implementation and monitoring of Home-Grown School Feeding Programmes and the related policy and institutional environment, including, inter alia: governments and development partners providing technical and financial assistance, as well as civil society, community based organisations and the private sector. It is a knowledge product that harmonizes the existing approaches and tools, and builds on the wealth of expertise and experience with home grown school feeding models i.e. those designed to provide children in schools with safe, diverse and nutritious food, sourced locally from smallholders, with [...]



Corporate Framework to support sustainable peace in the context of Agenda 2030

The objective of this corporate Framework (the ‘Framework’) is to guide the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in carrying out its mandate in its areas of competence and comparative advantage, i.e. food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture, towards a more deliberate and transformative impact on sustaining peace. Following the April 2016 Security Council and General Assembly resolutions on peacebuilding, the concept “sustaining peace” encompasses activities aimed at preventing the outbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of conflict, including addressing root causes and moving towards recovery, reconstruction and development. The United Nations Secretary-General has called on all UN entities to [...]

Training & e-learning


Gender and Migration

This one-lesson course considers the gender dimension of rural migration. As men and women experience migration differently, to reduce the vulnerability and empower both rural women migrants and women who stay behind, it is essential to integrate gender into policies and programmes on migration and rural development.

Training & e-learning


Promoting youth employment and reducing child labour in agriculture

This course presents strategies to strengthen the impact of child labour reduction and youth employment policies and programmes by considering the two issues together. First, it builds an understanding of the differences as well as linkages between child labour and youth employment. Second, it highlights concrete measures to improve policy and programme coherence and support for young people to access decent opportunities in agriculture.

Training & e-learning


Migration and youth in rural areas

Migration is an intrinsic part of rural development. Yet, there are major knowledge gaps regarding its drivers, dynamics and effects on rural areas. This e-learning course allows to understand the linkages between migration and rural development with a particular focus on youth. It also provides policy recommendations on how to maximize the positive impacts of rural migration and minimize the negative ones.

Training & e-learning


How to conduct a nutrition situation analysis

This 3-hour course is part of a series of e-learning modules on Nutrition and Food Systems, which aims to develop capacities for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating nutrition-sensitive food and agriculture policies, strategies, plans and programmes. It will guide you through the steps of a nutrition situation analysis. By the end of the course, you will be able to identify all the information required to conduct a nutrition situation analysis, know where to get this information, and understand how to analyse it to make sense of the situation.