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Policy guide to improve water-use efficiency in small-scale agriculture − The case of Burkina Faso, Morocco and Uganda

This policy guide is drawn from the results of the FAO Project “Strengthening Agricultural Water Efficiency and Productivity at the African and Global Level” funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and cooperation (SDC). The long term vision of the project was that the in-country findings and processes which are of common nature can be synthesized and scaled up to other countries in a regional cooperation process and globally. This will eventually lead to the increase of investment in Agricultural Water Management (AWM) in the targeted countries – and beyond – that is socially equitable, profitable at the farm level, [...]



The State of the World's Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture

The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture presents the first global assessment of biodiversity for food and agriculture worldwide. Biodiversity for food and agriculture is the diversity of plants, animals and micro-organisms at genetic, species and ecosystem levels, present in and around crop, livestock, forest and aquatic production systems. It is essential to the structure, functions and processes of these systems, to livelihoods and food security, and to the supply of a wide range of ecosystem services. It has been managed or influenced by farmers, livestock keepers, forest dwellers, fish farmers and fisherfolk for hundreds of generations. Prepared [...]



Enhancing rice production in Zambia

The recognition of rice as a profitable smallholder cash crop and a major contributor to food security compelled the Governmentof Zambia to develop the National Rice Development Strategy(NRDS; 2011-2015). The NRDS identified inadequate availability of quality seed, outdated production technologies, poor agronomic practices and uncoordinated markets at farmers’ level as the main constraints to rice production in the country. The project aimed to address these constraints through interventions such as the purification of existing rice varieties and the development of improved ones, and the provision of capacity building in rice production for farmers in three target districts, namely Kasama and [...]

Case study


Regional Conference on river habitat restoration for inland fisheries in the Danube river basin and adjacent Black Sea areas

Inland waterway management is complex and faces unique challenges as inland waterways have a variety of users. The mixture and overlap of local, regional, national and at times international regulations exacerbate the problem of managing inland waterways. In this context, the regional conference ‘River habitat restoration for inland fisheries in the Danube River basin and adjacent Black Sea areas’ was held on 13-15 November 2018 in Bucharest, Romania. This event was organised by the FAO Regional office for Europe and Central Asia in partnership with the International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Europe (EUROFISH) and EIFAAC [...]



Agricultural policies for a sustainable rice supply chain in Ecuador. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 18

The high cost to Ecuador’s national budget of maintaining a minimum guaranteed producer price for rice led to the introduction of a price bracket system in 2017. The minimum support price policy and a complimentary high import tariff were meant to protect small rice producers from competition from world markets and increase their incomes. However, farmers with greater productive capacity are currently accruing the highest income transfers from the guaranteed minimum rice price. Moreover, the policy has led to distortions throughout the marketing chain, only partially meeting its objective of price stability. The introduction of the price bracket system and [...]



A new approach for mainstreaming sustainable food and agriculture in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals

This synthesis report for the regional workshop for Africa on "A new approach for mainstreaming Sustainable Food and Agriculture in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals" provides an overview of the presentations, a brief report on the discussions, and summaries of the conclusions. 



Access to markets for small actors in the roots and tubers sector. Tailored financial services and climate risk management tools to link small farmers to markets. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study 5

The roots and tubers industry in sub-Saharan Africa has been growing steadily in recent years. Nevertheless, a series of challenges, including lack of access to finance and climate change related events, has prevented the majority of actors in these value chains, who are mainly small farmers and small processors, from taking advantage of such growth. In order to properly assess such challenges, the project “Strengthening linkages between small actors and buyers in the roots and tubers sector in Africa” conducted a series of studies to identify relevant gaps, constraints and opportunities to develop tailored financial products and risk management strategies [...]



Favourable policies for family-based maize production in Ecuador. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 17

This policy brief analyses Ecuador’s trade, productive and price policies for maize and their effect on farmers’ level of protection. The minimum support price enacted until 2017, turned out to be a non-operative policy due to a higher market price, which created incentives for speculative investments by traders. To counteract speculative investments the Ministry enacted a price range for maize, the price ceiling is expected to counteract future speculations. Productive and trade policies aiming to protect small farmers seem to achieve their objective. The effective rate of protection increased for all farm production systems from 2016 to 2017 with the [...]



The unlocked potential of inland fish to contribute to improved nutrition in Sri Lanka. Policy brief

Protein-energy malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies are important public health issues in Sri Lanka. Fish play a crucial role in nutrition and thus, promoting fish in the diet is among the strategies to control protein-energy malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies. Fish are a source of proteins and healthy fats and provide a unique source of essential nutrients, including long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, vitamin D and calcium. Furthermore, fish are ideal options for maintaining good health and weight management as they are low in cholesterol and thus recommended for patients with diabetes, coronary heart diseases and hypertension over other animal proteins.  Despite their [...]

Issue paper


Report of the FAO Expert Consultation Workshop on the “Development of methodologies for the global assessment of fish stock status”, Rome, Italy 4–6 February 2019

This document is the report of the FAO Expert Consultation Workshop on the “Development of methodologies for the global assessment of fish stock status” held in Rome, Italy, from the 4th to the 6th of February 2019. The workshop is an FAO initiative aimed at improving its ability to understand global stock status by means of a stock assessment tool that can be used to assess currently unassessed stocks. This report summarizes the presentations and main discussions of the workshop and provides recommendations.