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Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2020. Maternal and child diets at the heart of improving nutrition

The 2020 report on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the Asia and Pacific region, provides an update on progress towards the 2030 targets (SDGs and WHA) at the regional and country level. Selected indicators look at undernourishment, food insecurity, childhood stunting, wasting and overweight, adult overweight, child minimum acceptable diet, exclusive and continued breastfeeding, and anaemia in women and children. While the region continues to work towards ending all forms of malnutrition and achieving Zero Hunger, progress on food security and nutrition has slowed, and the Asia and Pacific region is not on track to achieving 2030 targets. [...]



While peace awaits, do not let crises compromise the way forward

The Government of Palestine officially endorses a new national food and nutrition security policy and a corresponding National Investment Plan. Read the whole article here.



Inversiones responsables y COVID-19. Abordar los impactos, los riesgos y la conducta empresarial responsable en las cadenas de valor agrícolas

La pandemia de COVID-19 ha generado graves amenazas para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición y ha afectado en gran medida a los medios de vida y las condiciones de trabajo en las cadenas de valor agrícolas. Esta nota de orientación sobre políticas se centra en el papel de la inversión responsable y la conducta empresarial responsable a lo largo de las cadenas de valor agrícolas en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19. También presenta recomendaciones de políticas para los gobiernos, los inversores, las empresas y la sociedad civil sobre la forma en que pueden alentar la inversión responsable [...]



Guidance on sustainable cricket farming – A practical manual for farmers and inspectors

This manual systematically describes basic management techniques needed to ensure best practices in raising crickets for food production. These techniques are based on 20 years of practical experience in cricket farming in Thailand, and previously unpublished data and knowledge collected by the author and support team. Robust research data related to cricket farming is still lacking, but will undoubtedly increase over time. However, in the interim, the growing cricket farming sector can be enhanced through the application of known best practices and related guidance. Also available in Burmese.

Issue paper


SMART IRRIGATION – SMART WASH - Solutions in response to the pandemic crisis in Africa. Land and Water Discussion Paper 16

Uncertainties related to the impacts of COVID-19 on daily life are increasingly growing. Inherent effects have grown beyond the well-defined spear of health risks and have shocked the livelihood and food security in several countries. Particularly in the poorest countries, the impact is more devastating due to the limited availability of resources to slow down the spread of the disease. These countries require immediate actions to safeguard food security and human health. Irrigation has a great role in improving crop productivity and ensuring food security. However, expanding irrigation could impact the availability of water for sanitation and hygiene which has a central role in slowing down the spread of the disease. [...]

Case study


Gender transformative approaches for food security, improved nutrition and sustainable agriculture – A compendium of fifteen good practices

The Compendium is a product of the Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition implemented by FAO, IFAD and WFP and funded by the European Union. The compendium of 15 good practices of gender transformative approaches (GTAs) includes the individual templates of the 15 good practices, provides a synthesis of the main features of the 15 GTAs presenting the core characteristics of 15 GTAs and describing the implementation arrangements, implementation cycle, the potential results of GTAs and their key success factors and challenges. It also includes ideas as to how GTAs could be taken to scale. [...]

Issue paper


Indigenous women, daughters of Mother Earth

There are 476 million indigenous peoples around the world, constituting 6.2 percent of the global population and, according to different sources, representing more than 19% of the extreme poor (ILO, 2019) of the world. Half of this population are women (approximately 240 million).Even though indigenous peoples represent 19 percent of the global poor population (ILO, 2019), it is important to highlight that indigenous peoples and indigenous women are not vulnerable populations per se.For thousands of years, indigenous women have played a fundamental role in preserving their livelihoods, languages, culture, cosmogony and territory. However, the systemic lack of recognition of their [...]



FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme - Preventing the next zoonotic pandemic. Strengthening and extending the One Health approach to avert animal-origin pandemics

The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) originated from an animal source, as have an estimated 60 percent of human infectious diseases. The pandemic emphasizes the need to prepare for, prevent, detect and respond to such diseases in areas where the next pandemic is likely to take hold. The risk is highest where there is close interaction between wildlife and intensifying livestock or agricultural production, and is often exacerbated where agriculture has encroached upon or put pressure on natural ecosystems. Particularly risky “spillover settings” include live animal markets and regions where there is a rise in wild meat consumption. The general overuse [...]



The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2020

This third edition of the State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries provides a comprehensive overview of the status of fisheries in the region, looking at their main features and trends, in order to better inform their management and better examine current and future challenges that they will face in the near future. The aim of this report is to produce a document that could provide useful analysis and direction for decision-making and future action. In this respect, this publication also represents a convenient source of information for the FAO Committee on Fisheries and offers a practical complement to the [...]



Policy in Focus. Leveraging food systems to reduce poverty and malnutrition

Even though substantial progress has been achieved worldwide in reducing both poverty and malnutrition, much is yet to be done. There are signs that the progress made in both dimensions has stalled in recent years.Poor-quality diets have become a major driver for overweight and obesity and associated non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, and some types of cancers. Conflict and climate vulnerability have been identified as major obstacles to reaching Sustainable Development Goal targets related to malnutrition by 2030. In 2019, economic downturns and slowdowns hindered efforts even further. More recently, the COVID-19 crisis has imposed even harsher conditions [...]