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Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for Food Security and Nutrition. Committee on World Food Security (CFS). Policy Recommendations.

CFS Recommended the following actions by stakeholders to address the development, policy, management and enforcement challenges in order to maintain and enhance the contribution of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture to nutrition and food security: Give to fish the position it deserves in food security and nutrition strategies, policies and programmes Promote sustainable fisheries and aquaculture policies and management and design climate change adaptation strategies for food security and nutrition Seize the opportunities and address the challenges of aquaculture development Recognize the contribution of small-scale fisheries Enhance fish market’s and trade’s contribution to food security and nutrition Improve social protection and labour rights Fully address the gender dimension of the fisheries and aquaculture [...]

Issue paper


Value Chain Dynamics and the Small-Scale Sector. Policy Recommendations for Small-Scale Fisheries and Aquaculture Trade

This technical paper focuses primarily on price transmissions in small-scale and large-scale fishery and aquaculture value chains in 14 developed and developing countries. Although the study is focused on the small-scale sector, both the small-scale and large-scale sectors were analysed in order to demonstrate differences between the two. The document begins with an overview of the entire project and its global implications, reviewing the importance of fisheries and aquaculture to livelihoods, food security and trade as well as the rationale for value chain analysis. It then presents detailed and summarized country-specific information on the research and analysis conducted, presenting analysis [...]



The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2014. Opportunities and Challenges

In a world where more than 800 million continue to suffer from chronic malnourishment and where the global population is expected to grow by another 2 billion to reach 9.6 billion people by 2050 – with a concentration in coastal urban areas – we must meet the huge challenge of feeding our planet while safeguarding its natural resources for future generations. This new edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) highlights the significant role that fisheries and aquaculture plays in eliminating hunger, promoting health and reducing poverty. Never before have people consumed so much fish or depended [...]



Good practice policies to eliminate gender inequalities in fish value chains

Policy-makers worldwide have traditionally assumed that fisheries are a male domain. The policy agenda has for decades given priority to the production sphere,  where men generally predominate, and has largely neglected processing and  marketing activities, where women often play a key role. Recent sex-disaggregated  data (from the World Bank, FAO and WorldFish Center) represent an initial, positive  step in providing the quantitative evidence needed to convince policy-makers of  the impo rtance of women in the sector. The data indicate that women represent  47 percent of the 120 million people engaged in capture fisheries. Worldwide,  they are even more important in [...]



Guidance on addressing child labour in fisheries and aquaculture

Child labour is a major concern in many parts of the world and it is estimated that there are some 215  million child labourers worldwide. Aggregate data indicate that about 60 per cent of child labourers  – that is over 129 million children – work in agriculture, including fisheries and aquaculture. While  there are limited disaggregated data on child labour specifically related to fisheries and aquaculture,  case-specific evidence points to significant numbers. Children engage in a wide va riety of activities  in capture fishing, aquaculture and all associated operations (processing, marketing and other postharvest  activities), as well as in upstream [...]



Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook

This comprehensive sourcebook on climate-smart agriculture (CSA), produced by the Food and Agriculture Organisation, consists of eighteen modules covering every aspect of planning and implementing CSA policies and projects.  Aimed primarily at developing countries, the opening module outlines the case for CSA (including forestry and fisheries), discussing issues such as food security, resilient systems, and systemic efficiency. The sourcebook argues that if we are to match growing demand whilst simultaneously combating climate change, it is crucial that greater efficiency and resilience is achieved in our food systems to aid climate mitigation and adaptation respectively. This has to happen globally, and in [...]



EAF Toolbox – The ecosystem approach to fisheries

The EAF Toolbox is aimed at national and local fisheries management authorities, including fishery managers, scientists and stakeholders looking for practical solutions they can apply given their circumstances and resources. This document represents a subset of the web-based version.

Case study


Cooperatives in Small-Scale Fisheries: Enabling Successes Through Community Empowerment. International Year of Cooperatives. Issue Brief Series

Cooperatives in the small-scale fisheries sector are a way of maximizing long-term community benefits to deal with the threats of fisheries mismanagement, livelihood insecurity and poverty – harsh realities for many of the world’s small-scale fishers. Communities with successful community-based organizations are better off than those without (Ostrom, 1990). Successful cooperatives are possible, feasible and desirable and play an important role in community development. Cooperatives have the potential to empower small-scale fishers against environmental and socio-economic shocks such as catch shortfalls, sickness and death in their families, natural disasters and hunger. The following case studies show how fisheries cooperatives contribute to [...]



Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security

The guidelines are the first comprehensive, global instrument on tenure and its administration to be prepared through intergovernmental negotiations. The guidelines set out principles and internationally accepted standards of responsible practices for the use and control of land, fisheries and forests. They provide guidance for improving the policy, legal and organizational frameworks that regulate tenure rights; for enhancing the transparency and administration of tenure systems; and for strengthening the capacities and operations of public bodies, private sector enterprises, civil society organizations and people concerned with tenure and its governance. The guidelines place the governance of tenure within the context of [...]



Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and Aquaculture. Implementing the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

This publication provides guidance on how to implement the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) using an ecosystem approach to fisheries and aquaculture. The CCRF is a voluntary code covering all aspects of the management and development of fisheries and is designed to ensure sustainable development without adversely affecting the livelihoods of local communities that share the same resources as the fisheries. The authors outline the basic principles of the CCRF, describe concrete steps to be taken to use the ecosystem approach effectively, and recommend certain institutional changes and reforms that will be necessary if the potential of [...]
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