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Issue paper


NAP-Ag programme highlights 2015-2018

The joint UN Development Programme (UNDP) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans Programme  (NAP-Ag) is a multi-year initiative (2015-2018) funded by the International Climate Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). The NAP-Ag is supporting countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to identify and integrate climate change adaptation measures in to relevant national planning and budgeting processes. This integration will help to enhance institutional capacities and processes for operationalizing climate response strategies in the agriculture sectors and facilitate greater partnerships, [...]

Case study


Iniciativa de Comunicacion para el Desarrollo en apoyo al reconocimiento y la gobernanza de tierras comunales en Guatemala

La FAO ha desarrollado una iniciativa de Comunicación para el Desarrollo (CpD) orientada a informar y documentar experiencias relevantes en tema de gobernanza y reconocimiento de tierras comunales en Guatemala, con fines de acceso y uso sustentable de los recursos naturales.  Se ha producido un Módulo de Comunicación y Capacitación sobre Tierras Comunales que incluye: un video didáctico, cinco cortos documentales realizados con comunidades indígenas y campesinas donde existen buenas prácticas y casos exitosos, una cartilla para los usuarios y una guía metodológica para los facilitadores, además de microprogramas radiales en idiomas Maya (Chorti’, Mam y Q’echi’). La iniciativa busca facilitar procesos [...]



Rural migration in Senegal

This animated video provides a snapshot of rural migration in Senegal, focusing on the rural regions of Kaolack and Matam - which are particularly affected by out-migration. The video highlights main facts and statistics, the drivers of migration and the characteristics of migrants and migrants’ households.  

Issue paper


FAO Migration Framework. In brief

The drivers and impacts of migration are intimately linked to FAO's global goals of eradicating hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition, eliminating poverty and promoting the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources. FAO, given its mandate as a specialized UN agency, is uniquely placed to support Member States in addressing both the rural dimensions of migration as well as its implications for rural populations, including the future of agriculture and food systems. This document provides a brief overview of the structure of the FAO Migration Framework, explaining why and how FAO works on migration. The purpose of the Framework is to [...]



Climate Smart Agriculture. Building resilience to climate change. Natural resources management and policy

There is a growing awareness to the role that natural resources, such as water, land, forests and environmental amenities, play in our lives. There are many competing uses for natural resources, and society is challenged to manage them for improving social well-being. Furthermore, there may be dire consequences to natural resources mismanagement. Renewable resources, such as water, land and the environment are linked, and decisions made with regard to one may affect the others. Policy and management of natural resources now require interdisciplinary approaches including natural and social sciences to correctly address our society preferences.  This series provides a collection of works containing most recent findings on economics, [...]



Developing agroforestry in Seychelles

In Seychelles, a move of agricultural production from flat to hill areas is expected for the next years, bringing a risk of both a decrease in food production and degradation of the forests. A development of appropriate agroforestry systems, adapted to local land capacities and markets, is the most appropriate response to counter this trend, while providing a sustainable system of agricultural production based on soil conservation, ensuring food security, improving land use and environmental services, minimizing wildfire hazards and combating invasive species. Find more Project Highlights here.



Building strong foundations for production of food for farmers in Moldova

Agriculture is one of the most important pillars of Moldova’s economy. With sustainable crop production reliant upon the availability of pest/disease/drought-resistant varieties that perform well under local conditions, production requirements can only be addressed through the conservation of local plant genetic resources and the availability of varieties of plant genetic material. With few mechanisms in place in the country, the project was designed to improve the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment to enhance the sustainable conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources, through cooperation and exchange of material, knowledge and experience among stakeholders. It also [...]



Food Outlook Biannual Report on Global Food Markets

Food Outlook is published by the Trade and Markets Division of FAO under Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS). It is a biannual publication focusing on developments affecting global food and feed markets. Each report provides comprehensive assessments and short term forecasts for production, utilization, trade, stocks and prices on a commodity by commodity basis and includes feature articles on topical issues. Food Outlook maintains a close synergy with another major GIEWS publication, Crop Prospects and Food Situation, especially with regard to the coverage of cereals.   

Forums and community of practice


Eradicating extreme poverty. What is the role of agriculture? FSN Forum No. 148

This document summarizes the online discussion Eradicating extreme poverty: What is the role of agriculture? which was held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 3 to 24 April 2018. The discussion was facilitated by Ana Paula de la O Campos and Maya Takagi of FAO. This online discussion was part of a broader reflection on the part of FAO towards refining and improving its approach to the eradication of extreme poverty, by using its experience in supporting the development of agriculture and the livelihoods of rural dwellers towards the realization of SDG1. Over [...]

Data and statistics


World food and agriculture. Statistical pocketbook 2018

The implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda is just at the onset. Pursuing the wide and ambitious Sustainable Development Objectives (SDGs) poses major challenges at all levels, from the sub-national, to the regional and the international level, and calls for a timely decision of effective policy actions in a quickly-evolving world of scarce resources. In this context, the ability to design sound policies and monitor their outcomes is a key requirement. Measuring progress towards international goals and their national and subnational specifications is of paramount importance.  This pocketbook presents, at a glance, selected key indicators on agriculture and food security, [...]