Policy Support and Governance Gateway

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Impacts of the child grants programme and sustainable poverty reduction through Income, nutrition and government service support in Lesotho

This brochure presents the results of an impact evaluation carried out on the Child Grants Programme in Lesotho.  The evaluation investigated the impact of the programme on three key areas, namely income and economic security, financial inclusion and dietary practices, and nutrition for adults and children.  Adopting a mixed-method approach that combines quantitative and qualitative analysis, the study aims at informing policy makers about the importance of combining social protection and rural livelihood interventions as opposed to the implementation of standalone programmes.  



Building resilience of livelihoods in Karamoja, Uganda. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 9

The Karamoja region, in North East Uganda, is one of the least developed regions of the country, and is highly vulnerable to resource-based conflict and climate change variability. Addressing food insecurity of vulnerable people is a major challenge in the region. Measuring resilience provides more informed policies for withstanding shocks. For this reason, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Programme (WFP) developed a Joint Resilience Strategy (JRS) launched in January 2016. The JRS is based on four main pillars: strengthening the productive sector to increase household income [...]

Issue paper


Drought Characteristics and Management in North Africa and the Near East. FAO Water Report 45

The report assesses the occurrence and impacts of drought, the current policies underlying drought management as well as the mitigation measures and responses adopted in the Near East and North Africa region, with a focus on the Agriculture Sector. It is the third of a series of similar studies carried out in different regions and countries of the world, with the objective of shedding light on drought effects, sensitizing policy-makers for the much needed paradigm shift to pro-active drought management planning and providing guidance for the development of such policies.  The studies are carried out by FAO, in collaboration with the Water for Food Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, as a direct [...]

Forums and community of practice


What Story Can Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Tell on Addressing the Relationship Between Poverty and Climate Change? FSN Forum Discussion

This discussion aims to gather the approaches and strategies used in SIDS to adapt to climate change, while building resilience of the most poor and vulnerable. Particularly, its purpose is:   to learn how SIDS are reducing the exposure of the poor and most vulnerable people to climate change and climate related events; to learn about pathways, tools and challenges, including recommendations for effectively building adaptive capacity to eradicate poverty and achieving food security and nutrition within the context of climate change.  The discussion focuses on the following questions: Can you share examples of actions that are being undertaken to reduce poverty, food insecurity and nutrition [...]

Forums and community of practice


Forum on Agriculture, Rural Development and Migration in the Mediterranean (29 May 2018)

The main objective of the Forum is to reach a better understanding of the drivers and impacts of migrations for forward-looking policies and programmes. Speakers Kostas Stamoulis, Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Development Department, FAO Gianni Bonini, Vice-President, CIHEAM Anna Triandafyllidou, Global Governance Programme, EUI Saïd Bhira, Special Counsellor to the Secretary General, UfM Leonard Mizzi, Head of Unit at EC - DG DEVCO, European Commission Luca Maestripieri, Deputy Director General, General Directorate for Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Leonardo Carmenati, Director, Italian Agency for Development Cooperation At the crossroads of three continents, all Mediterranean countries are areas of origin, destination and [...]



Protracted Crises: Governance and Political Economy of Agriculture-Based Livelihoods. Governance and Policy Series. Discussion Brief 1

Based on governance dialogue seminar held at FAO in November 2017, the brief emphasizes that to effectively address the risk of protracted crises, it is critical to understand the governance and political economy of the prevailing contexts, the principal actors and their power dynamics, the impact of the crises and the nature of the support required. The political economy and conflict analyses can reveal the underlying or proximate causes of a crisis, inform conflict-sensitive programming and help bridge humanitarian and development intervention. The brief also discusses the relevance of investing in resilient agriculture-based interventions in protracted crises contexts.



The Challenge of Employment in the 21st Century. The Potential for Jobs in the Agricultural and Food Systems. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 6

Agriculture remains the single most important employer in many developing country, as there are about 200 million unemployed nowadays and many more underemployed. Opportunities arise in agriculture and food systems thanks to a growing middle class, who demands processed, packaged and convenience food and agricultural goods. A significant share of the labor-aged population earns their income and livelihoods by engaging in the sector, why the future lies with the components of the food system and the food value chain that extends beyond primary agricultural production. See the complete series here.



Social protection and agriculture: Saving lives and livelihoods in Lesotho

In Lesotho, social protection plays an important role in protecting poor and vulnerable people from natural hazards saving lives and livelihoods, while also enhancing families’ capacity to cope, respond and withstand threats and crises.  In 2009 rural poor in Lesotho started receiving cash transfers through the Child Grant Programme. This brought positive impacts on the local economy, education and school enrolment, children living standards and agriculture production.  Cash transfers are a powerful tool to combat hunger and poverty. This video highlights and raise awareness on how social protection impacts can be maximized. 

Case study


Market and Value Chain Analysis of Selected Sectors for Diversification of the Rural Economy and Women's Economic Empowerment. Albania

The economic empowerment of rural women is critical for the continuing improvement of agriculture and further development of the rural sector. Increased participation of women in value-added productive activities requires an understanding of all of the barriers that limit their participation along the value chains. Addressing these barriers can transform women’s role in this sector and catalyse their economic empowerment. This study was conducted to contribute to the generation of knowledge for informed policies and interventions, which can close the gender gap in rural areas in order to strengthen the livelihoods of rural populations, reduce poverty and generate sustainable rural [...]

Issue paper


Profil national genre des secteurs de l’agriculture et du développement rural - Togo. Série des Evaluations Genre des Pays

Les écarts entre l’engagement politique en faveur de l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes et leur concrétisation, et la disponibilité limitée de données ventilées par sexe et d’indicateurs sensibles au genre pour éclairer l’élaboration des politiques et des programmes et l’allocation des budgets, contribuent à la marginalisation des femmes dans de nombreux secteurs. Le manque d’une situation de référence basée sur des données fiables empêche de mesurer les progrès accomplis vers l’autonomisation des femmes dans l’agriculture, la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition, le développement rural et la gestion des ressources naturelles. Ce rapport a été conjointement préparé par la FAO et la Commission de la [...]