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Ethopia. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

Innovative and integrated actions to modernize and facilitate the transformation from subsistence to commercial agriculture are foremost on Ethiopia’s agenda. Initiatives to address soil depletion with the end goal of sustainably increasing productivity, building resilience in efforts to promote food sufficiency of vulnerable households, and tapping livestock sector potential to generate foreign exchange, are just three of the key policy trends that have emerged over the 2007─2013 period in Ethiopia. For more country policy briefs by FAPDA please see here.



Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI)

Eradicating hunger will require a significant increase in agricultural investment and, more importantly, it will require improving the quality of investment so that it benefits those that need it most.  The CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems – known as RAI – acknowledge that the starting point for defining how responsible investment in agriculture and food systems can contribute to food security and nutrition is the recognition and respect for human rights. They are a set of ten principles that apply to all types and sizes of agricultural investment including fisheries, forests and livestock. They address all [...]



Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems Committee on World Food Security 41 Session.

The objective of the Principles is to promote responsible investment in agriculture and food systems that contribute to food security and nutrition, thus supporting the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security. This document seeks to address the core elements of what makes investment in agriculture and food systems responsible; identify who the key stakeholders are, and their respective roles and responsibilities with respect to responsible investment in agriculture and food systems; and to serve as a framework to guide the actions of all stakeholders engaged in agriculture and food systems by defining Principles which can [...]



Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2). Framework for Action

The nature of this Framework for Action is voluntary. Its purpose is to guide the implementation of the commitments of the Rome Declaration on Nutrition adopted by the Second International Conference on Nutrition held in Rome, Italy, on 19-21 November 2014. Building on existing commitments, goals and targets, this Framework for Action provides a set of policy options and strategies which governments1, acting in cooperation with other stakeholders, may incorporate, as appropriate, into their national nutrition, health, agriculture2, development and investment plans, and consider in negotiating international agreements to achieve better nutrition for all. As governments have primary responsibility for taking [...]



Integrating the Right to Adequate Food in National Food and Nutrition Security Policies and Programmes. Practical Approaches to Policy and Programme Analysis

This volume outlines a simple and practical way to analyse the design and implementation of food and nutrition security (FNS) policies and programmes from a right to food perspective. The right to food approach, as an instrument to help formulate FNS policies and programmes, is emphasized. The primary focus is on national overarching FNS policies. The question of how to assess sector policies that may have direct or indirect impacts on food security and nutrition security is also addressed. Good policies need an enabling implementation environment, which includes evidence-based decisions, adequate financial and human resources and sound governance. These aspects [...]



EAF Toolbox – The ecosystem approach to fisheries

The EAF Toolbox is aimed at national and local fisheries management authorities, including fishery managers, scientists and stakeholders looking for practical solutions they can apply given their circumstances and resources. This document represents a subset of the web-based version.

Issue paper


Reforming forest tenure. Issues, principles and process

Secure tenure is an important prerequisite for sustainable forest management. More diversified tenure systems  could provide a basis for improving forest management  and local livelihoods, particularly where the State has  insufficient capacity to manage forests. In the past decade  many countries have initiated efforts to reform their tenure arrangements for forests and forest land,  devolving some degree of access and management from the State to others, mainly households, private c ompanies  and communities. This publication provides practical guidance for policy-makers and others concerned with addressing forest tenure reform. Drawing from many  sources, including forest tenure assessments carried out by FAO [...]

Case study


Articulating and mainstreaming agricultural trade policy and support measures

The FAO project, Articulating and mainstreaming agricultural trade policy and support measures, was implemented during 2008-2010. With a view to maximize the contribution of trade to national development, a process has been underway in many developing countries to mainstream trade and other policies into national development strategy such as the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). A similar process of mainstreaming is strongly advocated, and underway, for trade-related support measures, inc luding through the Aid for Trade initiative. In view of this, there is a high demand for information, analyses and advice on best approaches to undertaking these tasks. It was [...]

Training & e-learning


FAO Learning Module 1 on Capacity Development: Enhancing FAO’S practices for supporting capacity development of member countries

This learning module provides a basic understanding and knowledge of capacity development (CD), reflecting the international debate as well as FAO’s perspective on CD. It also provides some key concepts for adopting changes in responsibilities, behaviours and attitudes that are consistent with FAO’s new role in CD. Specifically, by the end of this module you will have gained a deeper understanding of: the evolving role of CD in general and in the context of FAO’s work the challenges and success factors that are key for an effective CD practice – one that leads to sustainable outcomes and impacts in Member Countries key principles, concepts and methodologies suitable [...]



Developing effective forest policy. A guide

Many countries develop or revise forest policies to keep abreast of changing circumstances and to enhance the value of forests to society. Experience from these processes shows that substantial changes have occurred in the past 20 years in both the content of forest policies and the ways in which they are developed or revised. This guide aims to support countries in planning and conducting forest policy development processes. Based on a review of practical experiences, it outlines the rationale  and purpose of a national forest policy and the different elements of the forest policy development process. This publication will help [...]