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Voluntary Guidelines on National Forest Monitoring

The voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring aim to present a general framework for the compilation of good practice principles, methodologies and tools for planning and implementing a multi-purpose national forest inventory and to establish long-term forest monitoring systems grounded in sound practice. The guidelines are designed as a technical reference or framework that takesi nto consideration the needs and capacities of member countries. They present the rationale for action, identify roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders and describe the engagement needed to implement a national forest monitoring process. See the flyer  



Social Protection, Emergency Response, Resilience and Climate Change. A New Interactive Learning Tool

Why a game on social protection? This interactive tool facilitates learning on the potential benefits and tradeoffs in linking social protection, resilience and climate change policies at local, national and global level. The tool allows national stakeholders and policymakers to experience first-hand the challenges that smallholder farmers face when dealing with scarce availability of productive assets and deteriorating climate conditions.  This will help participants be better equipped to solve complex problems related to social protection, climate change issues and resilience in an uncertain world. The tool captures the essence of reallife complexity simulating struggles and threats faced by smallholder farmers. It forces participants to make decisions that will have consequences; and with that [...]

Case study


Women's Empowerment in Aquaculture in Bangladesh and Indonesia: Insights from Four Case Studies

This factsheet contributes to FAO Organizational Strategic Objective 1 "Eradicate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition", Strategic Objective 2 "Increase and improve provision of goods and services from agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a sustainable manner", and Strategic Objective 3 "Reduce rural poverty". The purpose of this factsheet is to briefly introduce the four case studies conducted in Bangladesh and Indonesia and summarize their key findings and recommendations under the initiative "Women's Empowerment in Aquaculture Production System in Asia: Comparative Case Studies and Synthesis from Bangladesh and Indonesia".

Issue paper


Assessing the Policy Environment for Cash Crops in Malawi: What Could Hinder the Achievement of the National Export Strategy Objectives? FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 17-02

This paper examines the main issues affecting producers of export crops in Malawi that could compromise the attainment of the National Export Strategy (NES) 2013-2018 targets. The analysis assesses the level of policy support to the major export crops (cotton, groundnuts, sugar, tea and tobacco) for the period 2005-2013, by calculating the Nominal Rate of Protection (NRP), the Nominal Rate of Assistance (NRA) and the Market Development Gap (MDG) indicators for producers and by analysing public expenditure targeting the aforementioned commodities. The results show that trade and market policies resulted in disincentives of -15 percent on average for cash crop [...]



Responsible Governance of Tenure and the Law. A Guide for Lawyers and Other Legal Service Providers. Governance of Tenure Technical Guide 5

This guide explores the legal dimensions of responsible governance of tenure. It supports the application of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure for Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security at the national level. The guide addresses the legal value of the Guidelines covering the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests by explaining the concept of legitimacy and reviewing the different stages of legislative processes, from legal assessment and law-making through implementation of legislation to settlement of disputes. The guide is aimed at legal professionals working with state institutions, civil society, [...]



Toolkit for the Application of Green Negotiated Territorial Development. Land and Water Division Working Paper 16b

The GreeNTD is based on a socio-ecological territorial development methodology that supports a wide stakeholder’s engagement in seeking progressive territorial consensus through a holistic, bottom-up and negotiated vision. The final objective is to get an agreed, socially legitimate and sustainable use and management of natural resources whilst safeguarding the ecosystem, current and future. The proposed methods and tools are thought to facilitate the potential users in the implementation of the approach and to facilitate the application of the agreement. The toolkit presents a set of tools to be used in various steps of the territorial development interventions within the GreeNTD [...]

Case study


Community fisheries organizations of Cambodia. Sharing Processes, Results and Lessons Learnt in the Context of the Implementation of the SSF Guidelines. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular 1138

The institution of community fisheries (CFi) organizations in Cambodia provides an interesting case for the empowerment of small-scale fisheries. The document pulls together findings from two activities carried out in the context of the development and implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) in Cambodia. These activities aimed at gaining a better understanding of the small-scale fisheries sector in Cambodia in general, with particular emphasis on the functioning of the CFi. Part 1 documents a national consultation process on small-scale fisheries which took place in 2012 [...]



Recomendaciones de Política Pública para Enfrentar el Cambio Climático y la Vulnerabilidad de la Seguridad Alimentaria. Resumen Ejecutivo

This publication gives recommendations (e.g. improving water management and infrastructure, strengthening resilience and consolidating institutional capacity) to tackle the negative impacts of climate change and food insecurity on rural households.



Addressing Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in National Adaptation Plans

These supplementary guidelines to the UNFCCC NAP Guidelines for "Addressing Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag Guidelines)" aim to support developing countries in making sure agriculture is both included in national adaptation plans and made more adaptive and resilient to climate change.  The Guidelines aim to support developing countries in: reducing vulnerability of the agriculture sectors to the impacts of climate change by building adaptive capacities and resilience; addressing agriculture in the formulation and implementation of NAPs; and enhancing the integration of adaptation in agricultural development policies, programmes and plans. Chapter One provides background information on NAP formulation and implementation processes. Chapter Two focuses [...]



FAO Strategy on Climate Change

Climate change is a top corporate priority for FAO. Through this newly-endorsed Strategy on Climate Change, FAO aims to enhance the institutional and technical capacities of Member States, improve the integration of food security, agriculture, forestry and fisheries within the international climate agenda and strengthen the internal coordination and delivery of FAO’s work.