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Rice self-sufficiency in Rwanda: policies to ensure it does not remain an elusive goal. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 37

This policy brief presents a snapshot review of how key policies have affected rice in Rwanda in the run up to the Government of Rwanda’s target to become self-sufficient in rice by 2018, while at the same time boosting the commodity’s competitiveness in local and regional markets.The brief looks at how trade and domestic policies in place have supported and incentivized rice production, why achievement of the self-sufficiency goal by 2018 has however been extremely challenging and how trade barriers (i.e. import tariffs, established to protect the domestic market are likely to impact both the production and consumption of rice [...]

Issue paper


Public expenditure on food and agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. Trends, challenges and priorities

Monitoring and analysing food and agriculture policies and their effects is crucial to support decision makers in developing countries to shape better policies that drive agricultural and food systems transformation.This report is a technical analysis of government spending data on food and agriculture during 2004–2018 in 13 sub-Saharan African countries – Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania. It analyses the level of public expenditure, including budget execution, source of funding and decentralized spending, as well as the composition of expenditure, including on producer or consumer support, research [...]

Issue paper


Public expenditure on food and agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. Trends, challenges and priorities

Monitoring and analysing food and agriculture policies and their effects is crucial to support decision makers in developing countries to shape better policies that drive agricultural and food systems transformation.This report is a technical analysis of government spending data on food and agriculture during 2004–2018 in 13 sub-Saharan African countries – Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania. It analyses the level of public expenditure, including budget execution, source of funding and decentralized spending, as well as the composition of expenditure, including on producer or consumer support, research [...]

Issue paper


Local financing mechanisms for forest and landscape restoration. A review of local-level investment mechanisms

To meet global restoration needs and recover degraded forests and landscapes, adequate public and private investments are required to support restoration activities on the ground.The new FAO publication “Local financing mechanisms for forest and landscape restoration: A review of local level investment mechanisms” examines the pathways available to financing restoration for a positive local level impact.The document provides an in-depth study of how financial mechanisms can be coordinated to maximise the leverage of finance and the adoption of practices at scale across the landscape.By examining some of the accessible investment mechanisms and planning strategies, it aims to support discussions, thinking [...]

Issue paper


Codex 2020 – What next for standards? Private sector looks post-COVID-19 – Safe food handling practices as important as ever

In a year characterized by unprecedented disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this publication records the steps the Codex Alimentarius has taken from July 2019 (CAC42) to September 2020 (CAC43) on the road to safe and quality food for everyone.Over the course of the year, some Codex committees were able to meet as scheduled to discuss updates to international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice. Those meetings able to complete their work include the six FAO/WHO Coordinating Committees covering all regions of the globe. Meetings were suddenly halted in March 2020 and since then Codex has been breaking new [...]



Country Programming Framework for Nigeria 2018–2022

This Country Programming Framework (CPF) sets out five government priority areas to guide the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' (FAO) partnership and support to the Government of Nigeria (GoN) – bringing together innovative international best practices and global standards with national and regional expertise during a five-year period from 2018 to 2022.The priority areas are:1. Strengthen national food security and nutrition through enhanced nutrition-sensitive and climate smart food systems.2. Support for appropriate and operationally effective agricultural policy and regulatory frameworks.3. Support to Nigeria's economic diversification agenda and the promotion of decent employment for youth and women in [...]



FAO Strategy for Private Sector Engagement 2021-2025

This strategy specifically targets the different types of the private sector from large national and multinational corporations, to financial institutions, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), industry and trade organizations and consortia which represent private sector interests, farmers and farmers’ organizations, producers’ organizations and cooperatives and philanthropic foundations.At the same time, it also targets FAO Membership, as well as the general public who wish to learn more about FAO's strategy and ways of engaging with the private sector.



Food systems transformation. Promoting sustainable local value chains by improving food systems for better food security and nutrition

The COVID-19 pandemic has tested the functioning and resilience of our food supply chains. While lockdown and social-distancing measures have, understandably, been implemented to tackle the public health threat, they have also affected food markets from local to global level. Some supply chains (such as wet markets and the hospitality sector) have been completely disrupted or seen significant operational change. Consumption patterns have changed, too, largely for fear of food shortages, reduced incomes and the closure of food outlets (canteens, restaurants and hotels). Containment measures notwithstanding, food production, processing, access and availability continued and must be maintained to ensure food and [...]



While peace awaits, do not let crises compromise the way forward

The Government of Palestine officially endorses a new national food and nutrition security policy and a corresponding National Investment Plan. Read the whole article here.



Inversiones responsables y COVID-19. Abordar los impactos, los riesgos y la conducta empresarial responsable en las cadenas de valor agrícolas

La pandemia de COVID-19 ha generado graves amenazas para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición y ha afectado en gran medida a los medios de vida y las condiciones de trabajo en las cadenas de valor agrícolas. Esta nota de orientación sobre políticas se centra en el papel de la inversión responsable y la conducta empresarial responsable a lo largo de las cadenas de valor agrícolas en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19. También presenta recomendaciones de políticas para los gobiernos, los inversores, las empresas y la sociedad civil sobre la forma en que pueden alentar la inversión responsable [...]