Policy Support and Governance Gateway

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Aglink-COSIMO modelling system

The annual FAO-OECD Outlook is the result of a partnership agreement with OECD in 2004. The medium-term Outlook provides an assessment of the prospects of national, regional and global agricultural commodity markets in the coming decade. It is an instrument for the quantitative analysis and assessment of policy options and resource allocation decisions.

Data and statistics


Online portal of good practices for sustainable production and trade of bananas

A single-stop shop for good practices for sustainable banana production and trade. This portal has been provided in response to high demand from the industry stakeholders.



Online collection of bibliographical references on FDI and Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI)

Links to the publications, papers and articles on Foreign Direct Investment and Responsible Agricultural Investment.

Forums and community of practice


Online discussion forum for the inclusion of women and youth in agricultural investment in Ghana

Promoting higher involvement of women and youth in agricultural investment in Ghana. Two workshops organized in Ghana by the Economic and Social Development's Trade and Market Group shows that women and youth were seldom involved in the formulation, design or implementation of investments in agriculture and did not benefit from them. 



Climate-smart agriculture and the Sustainable Development Goals. Mapping interlinkages, synergies and trade-offs and guidelines for integrated implementation

The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets presents a universally accepted and comprehensive framework addressing all aspects and dimensions of sustainability. The integration of the climate-smart agriculture (CSA) approach with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda provides an opportunity to enhance the overall sustainability of CSA results and synergize CSA interventions with other sustainable development efforts.To achieve this integration, a clear understanding of how the CSA implementation process can engage with the 2030 Agenda throughout the five CSA implementation steps is required. Moreover, the interlinkages between CSA objectives and [...]

Data and statistics


Dare to Understand and Measure (DaTUM). A literature review of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) frameworks for Climate-Smart Agriculture

The main objective of this report is to review the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks, tools and guidance documents that are available for climate-smart agriculture (CSA), and in particular for objective (“pillar”) two on adaptation and resilience. The report is a literature review and does not propose a new methodology. It is not an exhaustive list, but summarises the main M&E frameworks. This report represents the first step towards the development of operational guidelines for the design and implementation of national M&E frameworks for CSA, to be developed during the first quarter of 2019. The envisioned operational guidelines will address [...]

Training & e-learning


Climate-Smart Agriculture in action: from concepts to investments. Dedicated Training for Staff of the Islamic Development Bank

In October 2019, the IsDB and FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa partnered to deliver the first Regional Workshop on Climate-Smart Agriculture in the NENA region. The IsDB now aims to ensure that all their offices are aware of CSA and are able to make investments that meaningfully take CSA and its principles into account. In so doing, they aim to enhance the capacity of the agricultural systems to support food security, incorporating the need for adaptation and the potential for mitigation into sustainable agriculture development strategies. FAO is proud to bring the four-day training on [...]



Operational guidelines for the design, implementation and harmonization of monitoring and evaluation systems for climate-smart agriculture

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is recognized as critically important for tracking progress, whether it serves the purpose of accountability to donors, informs future improvements to CSA practices, or contributes to the aggregate global progress toward meeting the SDGs or the global stocktake under the Paris Agreement. There has been a growing chorus acknowledging the need to align the indicators and M&E frameworks of major donors with those of the three global agreements. Monitoring and reporting has begun on the SDGs, although the development of methodologies for various indicators is an evolving process. The development of specific indicators for the agriculture [...]



Youth Agri-Food Policy Assistance

More than 70 million young people are unemployed worldwide and 160 million young workers are living in poverty. Rural youth and women, in particular, face significant obstacles in obtaining quality education and training. Many depend on agriculture for their livelihoods and face severe constraints without access to land, credit or markets. FAO has designed an integrated country approach to work with governments to design youth-inclusive agri-food development policies. Through capacity building, entrepreneurial support and investment promotion, countries can increase job opportunities in the agri-food system, boosting youth employment and ensuring a high-quality agricultural workforce.

Case study


Country gender assessment of agriculture and the rural sector in Samoa

The objective of the Assessment is to analyse the agriculture and rural sectors from a gender perspective at the macro level (policy), meso level (institutional) and micro level (community and household). The Assessment seeks to identify gender inequalities in access to critical productive resources, assets, services and opportunities. The assessment looks at the priorities, needs and constraints of both women and men in agricultural and rural communities, and the gaps that exist in responding to these issues. It also provides recommendations and guidance to promote gender sensitivity in future programmes and projects, and identifies possible partners for gender-related activities. This Assessment [...]