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Reducing agriculture-led forest loss in Viet Nam: the role of land use constraints. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 35

This brief reviews some of the main land use contraints to reducing agriculture-led forest loss in Viet Nam. We find that agricultural land use constraints increase agriculture-driven pressure on forests. Farmers producing high-value crops have more incentives to deforest, and this increase when operating in areas with land use constrains. Removing land use constraints, repurposing agricultural support and reinforcing environmental regulations would improve agricultural productivity, sustainability and climate resilience, while reducing pressure on forests. The findings in this brief have been adapted from the FAO Agrifood Economics project “Guiding policies and investments to reduce agriculture-led deforestation in Viet Nam”.



Adapting to rising temperatures: farm practices and policy options in Uganda. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 34

Climate change is leading to a rise in global temperatures, which poses a major threat to agriculture production, and to the welfare of smallholder farmers. Identifying sustainable farming practices to reduce the sensitivity of Ugandan agriculture to rising temperatures is critical for safeguarding the livelihoods of farmers. This brief provides evidence on the positive impacts of organic fertilizer application, coffee-banana intercropping and cereal-legume intercropping on crop production value under conditions of high temperatures, and considers policy options to support their sustained adoption in Uganda and elsewhere. 



Leveraging social protection to advance climate-smart agriculture: evidence from Malawi. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 21-04

In many developing countries the adoption of climate sustainable practices is hindered by resource and risk barriers. This paper assesses the interactions between participation in Malawi’s largest public works programme, the Malawi Social Action Fund (MASAF), and three widely promoted climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices. The underlying hypotheses to be tested are: (a) that participation in the MASAF programme reduce both the budget and the risk constraints to the adoption of sustainable management practices; and (b) the joint treatment effect of MASAF and CSA increases household farms’ productivity and welfare. Drawing on three waves of national panel household survey data, we [...]



Support to the development of national strategies for post-harvest loss reduction. United Nations Rome-based Agencies support to the development of the Republic of Uganda's national strategy on post-harvest loss reduction in grain supply chains

This technical brief discusses the process of development of the Uganda national strategy on post-harvest loss reduction in grain supply chains which was developed in the framework of the project using the FAO food loss analysis methodology. The brief shares recommendations and lessons learned from the development of the strategy, which can be used or adapted by governments developing a postharvest loss reduction strategy to coordinate interventions, engage with key stakeholders, and invest and allocate resources to achieve post-harvest loss reduction goals.

Case study


Chaîne de valeur du riz au Mali - Analyse prospective et stratégies pour une croissance inclusive et durable

Cette étude est une évaluation multi-impact de la filière riz au Mali sur la période 2020-2030. Les résultats indiquent que le Mali peut être auto-suffisant et exportateur net de riz à l’horizon 2030 si la production croît à un rythme d’au moins 6,6 pour cent par an pendant 10 ans passant de 2,8 à 5,5 millions de tonnes. De façon spécifique, cette croissance entrainera la hausse des revenus des riziculteurs de 494 à 885 USD en moyenne. Le revenu par producteur dans la riziculture en maîtrise totale connaitra une amélioration de 1 485 à 2 994 USD soit une croissance [...]

Issue paper


Rice value chain in Ghana – Prospective analysis and strategies for sustainable and pro-poor growth

Based on past experience of partnership on support to National Rice Development Strategies (NRDS) within Coalition for African Rice Development (CARD), AfricaRice and FAO decided to conduct a series of rice policy reviews for Ghana, Ivory Coast and Mali in 2019. The following study uses the Ex-ante Carbon-balance Value Chain tool (EX-ACT VC), developed in 2016 by FAO, to assess the Ghanaian rice value chain’s environmental (in terms of climate mitigation and climate resilience) and socio-economic impact for a business as usual scenario in 2020 compared to a growth scenario for 2030.Promotion of good agricultural practices (GAP), the reduction of [...]

Issue paper


Analyse de la chaîne de valeur riz en Côte d’Ivoire - Optimiser l’impact socio-économique et environnemental d’un scénario d’autosuffisance à l’horizon 2030

Les importations du riz en Côte d’Ivoire ont connu une forte croissance ces dernières années en dépit du potentiel d’accroissement de la production locale. Afin de réaliser une autosuffisance en riz à l’horizon 2030, le gouvernement ivoirien s’est donné pour ambition d’accroitre la production et les capacités de transformation locale. Ainsi, cette étude est une analyse prospective de la filière riz en Côte d’Ivoire sur la période 2020-2030. L’objectif est d’évaluer l’impact économique et environnemental de la situation actuelle de la filière comparé à celui d’un Scénario futur d’amélioration (Scénario de réalisation de l’auto-suffisance alimentaire). Enfin, l’étude propose une évaluation [...]

Issue paper


How to feed the world in times of pandemics and climate change? Opportunities for innovation in livestock systems

Progress towards Zero Hunger must be protected from the dual challenges of pandemics and climate change. The frequency of infectious disease outbreaks – including the emergence of novel viruses and zoonotic diseases – is expected to continue rising as livestock, food security, economies, and global health are increasingly threatened by a destabilizing climate. At the same time, malnutrition is unacceptably high across all regions of the world. In 2019, nearly one in ten people in the world were exposed to severe levels of food insecurity.The 13th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) in 2021 is seeking recommendations, guided by [...]



Food systems transformation. Promoting sustainable local value chains by improving food systems for better food security and nutrition

The COVID-19 pandemic has tested the functioning and resilience of our food supply chains. While lockdown and social-distancing measures have, understandably, been implemented to tackle the public health threat, they have also affected food markets from local to global level. Some supply chains (such as wet markets and the hospitality sector) have been completely disrupted or seen significant operational change. Consumption patterns have changed, too, largely for fear of food shortages, reduced incomes and the closure of food outlets (canteens, restaurants and hotels). Containment measures notwithstanding, food production, processing, access and availability continued and must be maintained to ensure food and [...]

Issue paper


The pollination services of forests. A review of forest and landscape interventions to enhance their cross-sectoral benefits

Most flowering plants, including wild species and many food crops, are pollinated by animals and are vital, therefore, for biological production and the maintenance of biodiversity. Pollinators benefit from diverse natural habitats for forage and nesting, especially when these are limited in plant production systems. Landscape and forest management practices can help ensure the continued availability of pollinators and thereby increase resilience and the productivity of forestry and agriculture. The extent of forests and other natural habitats in a landscape plays a role in determining the species composition of pollinators. Agricultural landscapes adjoining fragmented forests and natural areas benefit from [...]