Portal de apoyo a las políticas y la gobernanza

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Issue paper


Due diligence, tenure and agricultural investment. A guide on the dual responsibilities of private sector lawyers in advising on the acquisition of land and natural resources

The Development Law Service has been collaborating with the International Bar Association (IBA) for a few years now, in legal research and capactiy development in areas of common interest. This year, the IBA will hold its Annual conference in Rome in early October 2018 and LEGN will take part in the panel discussion of the Agricultural Law Committee of the IBA. The topic of this year's discussion is responsible investments in agriculture, and what lawyers need to know about the VGGT and the CFS-RAI principles, when they are advising their clients on large scale agricultural land investments in the exercise [...]



Digital technologies in agriculture and rural areas

This report aims to identify the different scenarios where the process of digital transformation is taking place in agriculture. This identifies those aspects of basic conditions, such as those of infrastructure and networks, affordability, education and institutional support. In addition, enablers are identified, which are the factors that allow adopting and integrating changes in the production and decision-making processes. Finally identify through cases, existing literature and reports how substantive changes are taking place in the adoption of digital technologies in agriculture. Available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.

Case study


Agripreneurship across Africa. Stories of inspiration

The key drivers in food value chain development are the entrepreneurs. They create firms that are profitable and competitive, create many jobs, link in many smallholders and producer organizations as suppliers, generate tax revenues, improve the food supply to consumers (lower price, higher quality), and have a positive impact on the wider environment in which they operate (e.g., reduce rural poverty). Applied to Africa, the approach is to develop a publication that synthesizes a combination of literature review and 12 carefully selected cases of particularly successful entrepreneurs. The document will be organized around four sub-themes (scaling up, youth, women, challenging BEEs). [...]

Issue paper


Local Economy Impacts and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Social Protection and Agricultural Interventions in Malawi

Using rural economy-wide impact simulation methods and cost-benefit analysis, this study examines the impacts of individual and combined social protection and agricultural interventions in Malawi on incomes, poverty and production. The goal of this analysis is to provide evidence on policy options to increase coordination and coherence between social protection and agricultural programmes, with the objective of reducing poverty, increasing incomes and enhancing agricultural production and productivity.    Research shows that significant income gains in rural areas can extend beyond the direct beneficiary households, as a result of consumption and other local linkages. Given the income gained by these vulnerable households, [...]



Legal brief for parliamentarians in Africa No. 1

Countries in Africa have made renewed commitments to end hunger, such as in the Malabo Declaration of 2014, the SDGs of 2016 and other international and regional declarations. If these are supported by effective legislation, including constitutional protection, the future economic, social and cultural benefit to the continent is evident.

Case study


Estudio de buenas prácticas de gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra en Guatemala

A la luz de las Directrices Voluntarias de Gobernanza de la Tierra (DVGT), el presente estudio analiza las buenas prácticas de gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra, es decir, aquellas manifestaciones que demuestran la forma en que los actores locales, municipales y gubernamentales construyen y ponen en práctica mecanismos para el ejercicio de los derechos de tenencia de forma responsable, equitativa, transparente y sostenible. La tenencia supone un conjunto de derechos y deberes de una persona , o de un grupo, respecto a un determinado recurso, como la tierra, la pesca o el bosque.

Issue paper


Crossing boundaries: A review of legal and policy arrangements for sustainable pastoralism

In many countries, pastoralism has historically been practiced in areas that are now partitioned by international boundaries. This is a major barrier to sustainable resource management and to pastoral development. However, there are examples from around the world of efforts to facilitate transboundary movements and transboundary ecosystem management by pastoralists. This report examines how pastoral mobility has been impacted by the creation of unnatural boundaries within their landscapes and how societies cope with these constraints through legal or informal arrangements. Also available in French.



How to use the WTO instruments in the interests of agribusiness

The WTO has objectives such as lowering and elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers in international trade, improvement of trade transparency and predictability, trade facilitation, discouraging of unfair trade practices. For this purpose, the WTO member’s governments apply various trade policy instruments in accordance with WTO rules. The WTO member’s business can greatly benefit from application by government of the WTO instruments that facilitate trade and protect from unfair competition. Moreover, the business itself can directly use some of these instruments for better market access, in particular transparency instruments, or in cooperation with government get support or protection provided in [...]



The Koronivia joint work on agriculture and the convention bodies: an overview

This review aims to provide countries and other stakeholders with relevant background and knowledge related to the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) decision. It introduces the KJWA decision and further developments resulting from the 48th sessions of the subsidiary bodies of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), provides a brief overview of the UNFCCC, and describes how the Convention addresses agriculture. It then looks at the subsidiary bodies and the seven constituted bodies under the Convention: the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention, the Least [...]

Issue paper


Agricultural investment funds for development. Descriptive analysis and lessons learned from fund management, performance and private–public collaboration

This publication explores agricultural investment funds as a vehicle for financing agricultural businesses and projects. It looks at the capital needs of the different agricultural actors along the agricultural value chain and taking into consideration investment funds involving all kinds of investors (private, public as well as joint initiatives) and investment objectives. The publication draws heavily from the FAO 2010 publication “Agricultural Investment Funds for Developing Countries”, which was developed from an FAO-ConCAP research study that identified a broad range of investment funds that target agriculture in developing and transitioning countries. The identified funds were classified according to various criteria [...]