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Regional Gender Equality Strategy for the Near East and North Africa 2017–2020

This Regional Gender Strategy is designed to enable FAO RNE officers and country officers in the region as well as development practitioners to respond to current regional priorities. As a complement to the FAO Gender Equality Policy, the regional gender strategy will promote coherence and improve efficiency of gender-sensitive programming. The strategy supports the development of easy and efficient approaches and methodologies to adequately address the needs of the different stakeholders and specific groups, particularly the most invisible and under-considered ones among women, men, youth as well as understand the different interactions or synergies. It is aligned with global FAO [...]



Sustainable Forestry for Food Security and Nutrition. A Report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition. June 2017. HLPE Report 11

Forests and trees contribute to food security and nutrition in multiple ways. They provide wood, energy, foods and other products. They generate income and employment for many people, often the most vulnerable. They deliver ecosystem services vital for food security and nutrition in the long term, including water and carbon cycle regulation and protection of biodiversity. These contributions vary according to types of forests and the way they are managed. Increasing and competing demands on land, forests and trees create new challenges and opportunities and impact food security and nutrition. This report calls for a renewed understanding of sustainable forestry in order to fully integrate [...]



Responsible Governance of Tenure: A Technical Guide for Investors. Governance of Tenure. Technical Guide 7

Investments in agriculture have proven to be one of the most effective means of reducing poverty in rural areas of developing countries. Acting in accordance with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security can help investors better understand and manage the substantial financial, legal, operational and reputational risks inherent in investing in landbased assets. Those who plan and operate their investments in a way that is consistent with the Guidelines can reduce their investment risk and increase the likelihood of realizing a reasonable risk-adjusted return. Such investments are more likely to be successful [...]

Issue paper


Review of the Livestock/Meat and the Milk Value Chains and Policies Influencing Them in Liberia

The study provides an overview of Liberia’s livestock/meat and dairy value chains. It addresses the current status of the value chains, makes an inventory of the strengths and constraints of the value chains, as well as policies that could affect them. It also identifies gaps and prescribes solutions. A programme is proposed for investment in the value chains.

Issue paper


Review of the Livestock/Meat and the Milk Value Chains and Policies Influencing Them in West Africa

The study provides an overview of West Africa’s livestock/meat and dairy value chains. It addresses the current status of the value chains, makes an inventory of the strengths and constraints of the value chains, as well as policies that could affect them. It also identifies gaps and prescribes solutions. A programme is proposed for investment in the value chains.

Issue paper


Does Improved Irrigation Technology Save Water? A Review of the Evidence. Discussion Paper on Irrigation and Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Near East and North Africa

Unsustainable water use (over-drafted aquifers, seasonally dry rivers, disappearing lakes and wetlands) is a problem across the world. This is especially true in the NENA region, which includes many of the most water-short countries in the world. This review indicates that there are rather few examples of carefully documented impacts of hi-tech irrigation, while there are many examples of projects and programs that assume that water will be saved and productivity increased. The conclusion of this report is that restoring a balance between sustainable supply and consumption of water requires first physical control of the water resource by government or [...]



Informe de Diagnóstico Institucional del Plan para la Seguridad Alimentaria, Nutrición y Erradicación del Hambre de la CELAC 2025.

La presente publicación fue elaborada por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), por encargo de la Dirección de Integración Regional Multilateral (DIREM) del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile, punto focal de la CELAC en el país, y con el apoyo de las instituciones públicas que forman parte del Comité Nacional del Plan SAN CELAC: Capítulo Chile. El fin de esta publicación fue contribuir a la implementación del Plan SAN CELAC: Capítulo Chile, a través de la recopilación y sistematización de las principales dimensiones nutricionales y de seguridad alimentaria, instituciones e iniciativas públicas [...]



Workshop on Climate Proofing Aquaculture in sub-Saharan Africa: Review of Policies and Production Systems for Climate Change Resilience. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 9–10 June 2016. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report FIAA/R1201

Regionally across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), aquaculture is a rapidly growing industry with its practices and operations increasingly more commercialized across the continent. An estimated six-fold production increase, from 55,690 tonnes in 2000 to 359,790 tonnes in 2010 was recorded. This trend is expected to increase as the continent’s aquaculture operations develops and industrializes. This inevitable production increase and consequent intensification will predominantly be based on fossil fuels. The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the FAO have entered an agreement to improve the implementation and management of existing critical climate change gaps. The series of projects aims to improve global [...]



Report of the Fourth Ministerial Meeting on Commodity Markets and Prices. Long-Term Commodity Price Trends and Sustainable Agricultural Development. 3 October 2016

Ministers of Agriculture and Ministers of Trade met on 3 October 2016 at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome to debate and exchange views on policies and strategies within the context of ‘Long-term Commodity Price Trends and Sustainable Agricultural Development’. This report presents the topics of discusson of the Ministerial Meeting.

Issue paper


Drought Characteristics and Management in Central Asia and Turkey. FAO Water Report 44

The report assesses the occurrence and impacts of drought, the current policies underlying drought management as well as the mitigation measures and responses adopted in Central Asia and Turkey, with a focus on Agriculture Sector. It is part of a series of similar studies carried out in different regions and countries of the world, with the objective of shedding light on drought effects, sensitizing policy-makers for the much needed paradigm shift to pro-active drought management planning and providing guidance for the development of such policies. The studies are carried out by FAO, in collaboration with the Water for Food Institute, [...]