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Assessment of the integration of fisheries and aquaculture in policy development. Framework and application in Africa

This document was prepared within the framework of the FAO’s Strategic Objective 1 (SO1): Help eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. This document served as a background paper to present the status of policy mainstreaming and policy research for the improvement of policy development in aquaculture in support of food security, nutrition and poverty eradication. The document was presented in various African fora and received the validation of the stakeholders for its publication as part of policy research. Specifically, the paper was presented and included the inputs from the Consultative Meeting on Aquaculture Policy Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 3 [...]



Water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH) and wastewater management to prevent infections and reduce the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

This technical brief provides information to inform Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and wastewater elements within multi-sectoral antimicrobial resistance (AMR) national action plans (NAPs). It includes a summary of evidence and the co-benefits rationale for action in each sector and presents a menu of actions for consideration and refinement in each country context. The technical brief also identifies sector specific policy options and to additional information, including knowledge gaps and research needs, as well as additional technical resources to support planning and implementation.



Impacts of coronavirus on food security and nutrition in Asia and the Pacific: Building more resilient food systems

The COVID-19 pandemic poses a serious threat to food security and nutrition. Economic turmoil caused by the pandemic threatens both economic and physical access to food (FAO, 2019). Declining incomes may make food, particularly nutritious food, less affordable for some, especially the poor. Disruptions to and possible breakdowns of marketing, logistics and trading systems could make food unavailable in some locations at some times. Hunger and malnutrition could rise.This brief will assess the current situation, provide some examples of how governments and other stakeholders are attempting to build more resilient food systems in response, and offer some broad policy recommendations. [...]

Issue paper


Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fisheries Sustainability: strengthening the science-policy nexus

The International Symposium on Fisheries Sustainability: strengthening the science-policy nexus was held to support the development of a new vision for more sustainable and socially just fisheries, and more resilient to the challenges of the twenty-first century. The event managed to gather an incredibly diverse group of participants from different sectors and regions around the world. Moreover, a set of recommendations emerged from the sessions’ discussions, that will help improve the sustainability of capture fisheries and progress towards the different targets and objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Training & e-learning


How to monitor and promote policy changes on governance of tenure

This fact sheet describes the course that provides guidance on some of the main issues to consider when implementing a monitoring activity: how to select the most appropriate approach or to identify the best data sources for monitoring, how to effectively communicate the results of the monitoring activity to maximize its effect on policy change.



Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in the Near East and North Africa 2019 - Rethinking food systems for healthy diets and improved nutrition

The past few decades have seen dramatic improvements in the region in access to food, reduction in stunting rates, in premature death and disability caused by communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases. However, the gains in the fight against hunger and malnutrition have reversed in the wake of conflicts and violence that have spread in many parts of the region in the last decade. Today, nearly 55 million people in the Arab States, 13.2 percent of the population, are hungry and the situation is particularly worrying in countries affected by conflicts and violence: Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen. Displacements [...]



Nutrition and food systems policies and programmes

The video animation showcases the work FAO is carrying out on Nutrition and Food Systems policies and programmes. FAO provides technical assistance to Member States and relevant partners to improve the capacity of key regional and country stakeholders as well as platforms to advocate, design, implement, support, and evaluate policies, programmes and investments that shape food systems towards achieving Zero Hunger and eradicating all forms of malnutrition through sustainable and healthy diets.



Bulletin 2: Analysis and responses of Latin America and the Caribbean to the effects of COVID-19 on food systems

This topic addresses the resilience of agricultural livelihoods and the food system to COVID-19. Lessons learned by those who have had to manage disasters indicate that it is critical to understand, monitor, and anticipate the impacts of crises on agriculture and agricultural livelihoods early on. Timely and accurate monitoring enables evidence-based policy decisions to be made; acting in advance enables unwanted impacts on food security and nutrition to be avoided. Managing this crisis requires a targeted and concrete — yet holistic — approach focused on ensuring availability, and stabilizing access to food. Also available in Spanish. 



Bulletin 1: Analysis and responses of Latin America and the Caribbean to the effects of COVID-19 on food systems

This bulletin provides decision-makers in governments, the private sector and civil society with useful information and resources to support the design and implementation of actions against the effects of the pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean. The resources and information contained in the bulletin come from FAO, as well as from governments and other institutions that are contributing to the common goal of containing the effects of the pandemic. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is a valuable partner in this bulletin, and we hope that other multilateral organizations will join us in future editions. Also [...]

Issue paper


Land Degradation Neutrality in Small Island Developing States

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are continuously under the threat from the adverse effects of climate change and land degradation impacts. Land degradation directly increases CO2 emissions, contributing to climate change and vice versa. The LDN Target Setting Programme (TSP) of the UNCCD has substantially contributed to land degradation receiving the policy attention and securing political commitments for addressing the obvious and immediate threats of climate change and natural disasters to SIDS. It has strengthened the availability and accessibility of data for assessing land degradation and enabled SIDS to set specific measurable science-based targets. LDN provides the framework for the [...]